Thursday, September 9, 2010

Support the Arts . . . Send Me Money

One of the attorneys in my office is on the board of a local art gallery, and I overheard him talking to another attorney about an upcoming art auction--I'm pretty sure he was talking about a fund-raiser for the gallery. And I couldn't help but think wouldn't it make more sense for these attorneys to just give their money to someone they actually KNOW--like me?! So how about it? Want to donate money to a good cause? Just email me and I'll tell you how.

The only reason I started thinking about this again tonight was that I saw a friend, Julie-Julia, at Thimbleberries Club, and she told me I had to go home afterward and be creative until late into the evening or risk disappointing another friend, Sandy. Sandy reads my blog each morning and lately she's been enthusiastic about my Halloween charm quilt and other Halloween projects in her conversations with Julie-Julia. So yes, after Thimbleberries Club, and after doing the grocery shopping (where I found the season's first small pumpkins) . . .

. . . I withdrew to the Sweat Shop and emerged a couple hours later with the completed Halloween "totem."

My photography doesn't do it justice--I'll need to get a better photo when it's light out. But Sandy's up and reading blogs before the sun, so this photo will have to do for now.

I guess I'd better go figure out what I'm going to do tomorrow night to top this. Thanks for stopping to visit!


  1. Wow, when you finish something (no more ALMOST!) it is AWESOME! I think you should send it to me, because I think that cat might be my cousin. He looks like me and I like his hat.

  2. Sandy from ThimbleberriesSeptember 9, 2010 at 5:22 AM

    I missed being at Thimbleberries, but what a joy to wake up and see your finished totem. I love it. I was telling Julie how talented you are and you proved me right. I don't babble.

  3. Your totem is so darned cute. Your creativity is spot on girl. I join Sandy each morning. You are how I get my morning started.
    I have been thinking about your witches name and I think Hortence Havershack would be a lovely name. Well, maybe not lovely, but a name nonetheless.
    Make it a good day! Carline

  4. I know Halloween is suppose to be scary but that totem is adorable Kim! I love it!

  5. Maybe you should make one of these totem for each of us and we'll send you money! Looks Wonderful!

  6. Fantastic arts and crafts! I do believe those lawyerly supporters of the arts should see your blog. Then send money :).

  7. The totem is totally awesome! Very Trout Creek and she would have a high 3 figures on a piece like that! I'm impressed - with your artistic expression AND your stamina!

  8. Oh wow Kim, that is beautiful! Very impressive work. Love it!

  9. You sure work hard and fast in your Sweat Shop!! What a fabulous Halloween totem you created! The pumpkin and cat are calm and happy -- but that little green guy is full of impish personality -- we can see his wheels are turning! Florence

  10. You are the queen of decorating! While you were being creative and working hard, I went home and helped my friend Anna drink a bottle of cabernet. It was really good! I do feel just a little bit guilty making you work while I was indulging in many glasses of wine.

    See you on the 17th.

  11. Just read your comments. I am not feeling so guilty now that you got all those lovely comments.



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