Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sorta . . .

In follow up to yesterday's "almost" post, today I'll show you a couple things that are "sorta" done. Maybe I'll do more; maybe I won't. If I don't, the world will not end--of course, if I don't get those other things finished that I mentioned yesterday, it almost certainly will.

First, the witch. Goodwill had a nice, red velvet dress for her. I originally envisioned her as more tattered and spooky, but I guess my gal is classier than that. I still want to do something with that hat but I'm not sure what. And Hubby left that sparkly fabric on her torso, but it helps hide the wires and things, so I left it too. By the way, we found out the battery pack is a motion detector--when the witch senses motion, her eyes flash red and she cackles.

In the photo, she's sitting up on the arm of the couch and her legs (or what would be her legs if she had some) reach nearly to the edge of the couch, which makes her about the size of a large kid or a very petite adult. More about her a little later.

Next, the charm pack quilt top I've been working on. It's sorta done too.

Of course, it will need to be quilted, but besides that, I'm not sure if I want a border or not. I think I probably do but I haven't figured out if I have any fabric in my stash that I'd like to use. I have a print of pumpkins on a black background that might work, but the orange in this Minick and Simpson fabric I've used so far might be a bit dark for the border fabric I was thinking about. I'll need to start pulling stuff out to see what would work. If I add a border, it will be a simple one, so it shouldn't take long.

Okay, now about the witch again. She needs a name. I'd greatly appreciate it if those of you who read this post would suggest a name or two. Something kind of original and/or catchy. If I use the name you suggest, I'll send you a little something or other to thank you--I have no idea what that might be yet, but it will probably be Halloween-inspired and not hugely valuable unless I win the lottery between now and then.

Ah, and when is "then"? Let's say I'll decide on her name on Friday night and announce it in Saturday's blog post. Good luck and thanks for the help!


  1. is that the Minick & Simpson halloween fabric? it's so fun...and your pattern is gorgeous! what pattern are you using, or is all from that brain of yours? :)

  2. Hazel would be a good name for your witch. Witch Hazel.


  3. I think your witch looks like an Elvira to me.

  4. Mrs. Wilhelmina her.

  5. I love your quilt, very innovative. Can't wait to see the directions for this one!

    How about Edna? My DD says Edna for sure.

  6. Lucinda?

    Love the Halloween quilt top! It's beautiful!!

  7. I've always been partial to Minerva. It's unusual but still feminine, LOL! She's appropriately creepy-sized and will definitely scare the kids and adults.

  8. oh...her name is Henrietta...I know..cause she told me!

  9. Love the witch, I adore the Halloween quilt you are making.

    As far as the name I think you should go with something like Leonora its different but still feminine.

  10. Hepzibah Hornwinkle. Looks like she's been fighting nargles.

  11. I will try this again....

    How about KoKo which is Japanese for a stork.. she looks like a stork to me..

    Your favorite Bro in Law!!!

    otherwise known as Hubbys older and smarter brother!!!

  12. how 'bout Cacklin' Rosie (get on board)?

  13. Love that quilt! I think she looks like Hagatha to me. Mary-Mary

  14. Goodwill Gertie springs to mind....!

  15. Love the Halloween quilt! I looked at those charm squares on Saturday - shouldn't taken them home with me.

    As for the witch, some great names have been suggested - I like Dianne's Cacklin Rosie because I instantly thought of the Neil Diamond song. Can't help being a child of the 70's. As for my suggestion - Hattie. There was a puppet show on local tv when I was a child and the witch was Batty Hatty from Cincinnati!

    I really enjoy reading your blog!

  16. I'm thinking she looks like a Matilda!

  17. I like Cacklin Rosie that Dianne came up with - cute eh!?

  18. Kim, I like Cackling Rosie too as a name for your witch..
    Vesta the Velveteen Witch but I still like Cackling Rosie the best.
    She looks like quite the character.
    Your new quilt is very fun- you are amazing as usual- always creating something new and fun to celebrate the seasons.

  19. I personally think Granny Gert fits her to a tee.

  20. She looks like an Aggatha to me!

  21. OMG, I think Cackin' Rose has the vote! It's always nice to vote for someone else's!

    But because I can't help myself:

    Sacramento Sadie
    Goodwill Bad Willhemina
    Sad-sac Sadie
    Cul-de-sac Sadie
    Goodwill Gone badGert

  22. HI Kim,

    Just wondering what the name of the pattern is that you used for this charm square quilt with the Minick and Simpson fabric? I love the design. Have you finished it?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!