Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Wild Child, The Drooling Dog, and a Well Deserved Rest

You'll probably recall that the Wild Child is moving back home this week, right? And I mentioned that I'd been storing a lot of my seasonal decorations and other "stuff" in her room, and that they needed to be boxed up and moved out, right? And you'll probably recall that over the weekend, I worked on sorting things in the garage to make room for the boxes of very valuable treasures that would soon be displaced from her room, right? Well, after that, on Monday night and Tuesday night, I spent time in her room doing the boxing and cleaning. She was planning to rent a U-Haul truck and bring most of her things on Thursday, so I had until then to finish the job. Until I found out Tuesday night that her plans had changed and she, the truck, and her stuff would arrive on WEDNESDAY. So I was up packing things until around 1 a.m. last night.

Promptly at 8:20 a.m., as I was getting dressed for work, I heard our side gate open and I saw someone put a LARGE houseplant down on our patio--The Wild Child had arrived. Of course, the Drooling Dog had arrived too.

The Drooling Dog has been the Wild Child's "baby" since he was a pup. He's a very, very nice dog and has been her constant companion, but now he's going to have to get used to living outside and in our garage because (1) he's very large and our house is very small and (2) there's a reason he's called the Drooling Dog. In fact, every time I hear his collar and tags jingle, I kind of cringe a little, because I know he's shaking slobber far and wide. But at least it's not in the house.

For our two cats, it's been a very traumatic day. Despite the fact that the Drooling Dog is on the patio and they're in the house, they're very leery of him and I'm sure they expect to be eaten at any moment. I KNOW they're waiting for him to leave. I wonder how long it will take them to figure out that's not going to happen?

And since I got the packing done and stayed up late last night to do it, I promised myself an early evening in bed tonight with a good book. I'm really itching to get back into the Sweat Shop because I've had to give it up the last few days, but it will wait another evening, I think! So I'm off, now, to keep my promise to myself--my bed and book await. Good night!


  1. Drooling Dog reminds me of the movie Turner and Hootch. I don't blame you for making him stay outside, as cute as he may be.

    I am sooooooo excited that you and Gran are coming to our blog party. We are going to have soooooo much fun!!! Yea!!

  2. He is so cute! Good luck with the cats maybe the need some kitty valium :O)

  3. I've been itching to get sewing too, haven't done much lately! Good luck with your daughter moving back...and her dog!

  4. Oh GOOD LUCK!!!!! Drooling Dog is definitely cute...your poor cats, though. I can tell you it took A YEAR for our cats to adjust to our German shepherd. And one of our cats STILL chases and corners that big dog!!!!!!!

  5. What a handsome drooling dog! As everyone has said, I don't blame you for having him live in your garage.

  6. my girls wouldn't know how to act if we left them outside all night..OMG...they would just die...I bet if you let him in you'd find that the cats love him and him the cats...

  7. S-I-L has Drooling Dog exactly like your daughters. They built house next door and Drooling Dog decided he'd rather live with Nana and Papa. Daughter's 130lb Black Lab also lives with us as he did the first four or five years of his life and they built on his lot he inherited from our BL who inherited from our Westie who inherited it from our first BL but he decided he liked it better here and never moved over. She brought cats home some lived here and didn't move there, some moved there and came back and some always lived there but moved over to Nana's. Now down to Drooling Dog, Black Lab and two cats. They all get along thought when first introduced it was like whoa!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME THERE WAS A DOG HERE...

  8. Enjoy your baby being home...and the drooling dog? Would be an outside pet for me, I am afraid...hey, I am glad you did not find a gun...see last post!! Hee!!

  9. Drooling Dog reminds ME of MY drooling dog! We got him on video .. .no sound but he was staring at treats in front of his face for a little too long... and also, he's weighing himself on a scale ;)


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