Friday, August 13, 2010

What's New?

I FINALLY made it back into the Sweat Shop tonight after being absent for several days of "chores." I was amazed to find that I'd left all the fabric for the Jelly Roll Quilt Along/Halloween blocks in a disorganized pile on the table, so I had to clean that mess up before anything else. Then I had every intention of starting to work on my class sample Wool Crazy blocks, but I thought before I got caught up in that project, perhaps I should make this month's Thimbleberries blocks. Well, I managed to get those made but that's as far as I was able to get, so the wool project will need to wait until tomorrow night.

Our Thimbleberries Club met last night, and I know if I don't get the blocks made right away, there's a good chance I'll totally forget until I'm getting ready for the next meeting. This month's blocks are three fence and flower blocks, and I think they're pretty cute, don't you?

Since they're each a little different, I had to make the fence sections of the blocks one at a time, and that meant that piecing the blocks took a little longer than normal.

Aside from quilting, I have something else kind of new to share: I've been assigned to work with Girl Boss 3 starting next week. Well, maybe I shouldn't call this one "girl boss," although she's really not that old either; still, she's in her 30's, I think, whereas the other girl bosses were in their mid-20's--pretty much the ages of my kids. I'll think about it--as I get to know her, maybe I'll come up with a name that better suits her.

My quilting friend Teri was working as this attorney's secretary, but "the powers that be" thought maybe I'd be better suited to that desk for now, and so Teri and I will flip-flop jobs. She's happy because it will mean a little less pressure on her, and her vacation's coming up in a few weeks anyway; for me, it will give me some kind of direction and I WON'T have to do all the typing for two new-ish attorneys like I did before the carpal tunnel flare-up. So we'll try this out and see how it goes. I think Teri and I are both a little excited about the change.

If you were reading my blog last year, you might remember that my firm has a "mystery event" sometime in the late summer or fall. Last year it was go cart racing followed by a winery tour and dinner at the winery with cooking demonstrations. This year's "mystery event" will be held this Saturday evening, and so far we don't have any idea what it will be, although entire families--including kids--are invited this time. At work tomorrow, we'll at least get some clues, so I'll let you know what I find out. Whatever it is, I'm certain it will be fun!


  1. Can't wait to hear more about the mystery event. i wonder where you are going...

  2. The blocks look great! I was just telling my DH the other day about your mystery event. He wants to know if your firm is hiring, LOL. He can't type, but I guess he could answer phones...

  3. Oh, BTW...I'M A GRANDMA!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYY, ZOEY!!!!!!!

  4. Last year at this time I found your blog. I read about your mystery event from last year. Can't believe a year has gone by! WOW. Hope you have a great mystery ride this weekend.

  5. girlfriend I've got your number...get that hand healed in time for the Mystery Trip...yep we all know your secret now...LOL

  6. Exciting! I remember reading about your mystery event last year, and it sounded like so much fun!

  7. I DO remember the mystery trip last year...and can't wait to see where you go this year...

  8. Can't wait to hear about the mystery event. Your quilt is really coming along!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!