Thursday, August 26, 2010

Love/Hate Relationship

How can something so WONDERFUL be SO DARN FRUSTRATING? I'm talking about the computer, of course! I've continued to have problems with mine and decided to devote my evening to running scans and troubleshooting. The last couple times I've run scans, I haven't found any problems, so it was a mystery to me until I did some Internet searches on "slow computer problems." Those searches revealed many other people with similar issues, and the "fix" for quite a few seemed to be running a registery cleaning program, so I figured that's what I'd do.

The Five Best FREE Registry Cleaning Programs sounded like a promising link to check out. Except my virus protector didn't much like any of the programs I wanted to try. More searches, and finally I found a program that I downloaded and used on my computer--only to find out I'd actually need to BUY a one year subscription to get the full benefits. Upon consideration, I figured it was cheaper than buying a new computer, and that didn't even take into consideration the cost of repairing the window I was ready to throw the old computer through.

So that's done now, and the computer seems to be running faster so far. The only problem? Before tonight, the computer ran fine at times, and at other times, it ran as slow as Bo Derick if she'd been running through quicksand in the movie 10. In slow mo.

Bed time now. If I'm back tomorrow, you'll know I haven't done anything to make the computer worse, at least. And if I'm not? Then I'm probably drop kicking the computer all the way to Best Buy. Say a little prayer, okay?


  1. I use CCleaner from Piriform. Our IT gal at work suggested. Free and works great!

  2. Seems to be happening to all of us! I am praying for need that secretary in the afore mentioned post to take care of it for you!

  3. Did you run a spyway and adware program? Ours was doing that, it would take about 10 minutes to boot, so we took it to the Geek Squad for the cleanup, it cost us a couple hundred dollars and they added more memory and it runs fine now. We did that about a year ago and it's still running ok.

  4. computer problems stink. I hope your fixes worked!

  5. If you know how, you may want to wipe it (delete all off your hardrive) and just rebuild it. My husband does this for my inlaws and it seems to help...You just need to be sure you have all your cd/dvds for re-installation. Good luck!

  6. My computer has started to run slower than it used to. Luckily I have a computer shop here in town that is great. I'm just going to take it in and say, "here, fix it!" and leave. I can trust them to do the right thing. The owner is the son of a good friend. I always figure if they mess things up (which they would NEVER do) I'd rat him out to his mother! Ha Ha!!! Hope your's is on the mend.

  7. We have had numerous problems with our computers and they have driven me mad. At present both computers are running slow but at least they are running!

  8. Groan!!!!!!!
    We need to get the name of the guy that Mis Jen knows - don't cha think, eh!?


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