Saturday, August 28, 2010


I came across this magazine at Borders last weekend and finally took the time to read it on Tuesday evening. I was quickly inspired to hit the thrift shop during my lunch hour on Wednesday. It's funny, but I find my enthusiasm for thrifting waxes and wanes--which is probably a good thing, given the space limitations we have here at Casa de Kim.

Have you ever watched the TV show Horders? I don't think I ever have, but I've seen plenty of commercials and there's one where the "horder" claims to be a "collector" rather than a "horder." It's a fine line between "collector" and "horder"; I don't think I've crossed it yet, but it COULD happen if I didn't occasionally lose interest in thrifting!

Do you have a little princess dog? (Or prince dog, for that matter?) Get the magazine. There's a really excellent idea for a dog bed. In fact, I'd like to make one for myself!

Anyway, back to ME. Yep, I went to the thrift store during my lunch hour on Wednesday and again today. Then I went to another one on the way home from work tonight. And DON'T TELL HUBBY but I'm thinking about ditching him and making a run to the flea market this weekend. Shhhhhhh!

My name is Kim, and I'm hooked on thrifting. Yes, my interest is definitely waxing right now. (My upper lip probably should be too, now that I think about it.) I'll show you a couple things I've found--because at least I can then claim that I HAD to thrift for the good of the blog, right? Maybe it's even a tax write-off or something.

One of my most exciting (to me) purchases: a pair of crocheted king-size pillow covers ($3 each)--these will look terrific with our beige sheets and autumn quilt. I'll take a photo when I get that stuff out to show you.

Autumn's definitely on my mind--I really NEEDED to bring home this cat and pumpkin, even if it IS a little goofy looking. I'm all about goofy. I like the fact that it's not too wide and will sit on just about any shelf.

A green majolica (Bordallo Pinheiro) teapot--I have a couple Bordallo Pinheiro things in the same color, which means I have a "collection." And when you have a "collection," you're forced to collect more. Law of nature.

And speaking of "collections," I found these candy cane cups--the photo seems fuzzy, but I decided to throw it in anyway.

Ah, yes, I found many more delights during the course of my thrifting spree, including a few wool blazers. It's after 12:30 a.m. and when I last passed by the living room, Hubby had one out along with his seam ripper. He actually seems to ENJOY taking them apart! Oh, well, it's a cheap way to keep him amused.

I also found a quilt book for a little giveaway, but I'll show you that and more tomorrow night--and maybe things from the flea market if I make it out there. Bedtime now though--I need to rest up for the flea market dash!


  1. Oh My Gosh I love the the cat!!LOL! Your thrift stores are WAY better than mine!

  2. You do have an eye for those thrift finds. good job!

  3. I haven't been out thrifting (collecting teasures) for awhile, but you've inspired me!

  4. Hi Kim -- Ease your mind -- I did watch the show. Hoarders even keep their day-to-day garbage, thrown on the floor -- they NEVER clean. That's definitely not you! So, enjoy your great treasures! Florence

  5. I love going to antique stores and thrift stores, hubby will not go to thrift stores with me but will go to antique stores. You found some great things, I just LOVE that Cat and pumpkin, good find.

  6. i just called out to Melissa, "Kim found some more candy cane cups!" and she refuses to come look cuz she gets too jealous ... i am waiting for you to show me what to do with the wooden lazy susan that i bought at the thrift store so i can show her that it is not a bad kind of addiction (i came home with two plates, the ls and a wooden tv tray to make a portable pressing table - the plates made it into the dishwasher, but the rest of my treasures are languishing in the garage)

    and the word verification is "abless" cuz YOU are a bless-ing and a (feminine) en-abless

  7. I am always amazed at the stuff you get when you go "thrifting".
    I would die if I found that tea pot. We all need a "thrifting" lecture. Just think of all the great info you have! What stores do you haunt? When you say flea market, so you mean Denio's or antique fairs? I really enjoy seeing what you find.


  8. I absolutely love that magazine, but I don't often buy it because it is about $20 by the time it gets here (Australia). I love that unpicking is a way to keep your hubby occupied! My husband walked past my sewing machine today and made an excited noise when he saw my new unpicker! He is my unpicker here!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!