Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Lost Day

Yesterday felt like a lost day. I don't know why, but for some reason, I didn't feel like doing much of anything. Don't get me wrong--there are times when being lazy is a GOOD thing, because we all need the occasional day when we can just rest and regroup. But I've had about five months of those days, so I don't really need any more.

I think part of it is that I just don't like the heat of summer. I don't like getting into a hot car to go somewhere and sweating for five or ten minutes until the air conditioner kicks in. If I need to go outside to do a chore, you'd better believe the chore is done and I'm back inside the house as quickly as possible--taking time to smell the roses just means getting hotter and grumpier.

Yesterday, even the Sweat Shop wasn't singing its siren song.


Last night I thought I needed to make an action plan for today. Maybe I needed more exercise, which meant getting up early before the heat arrived. I'd take a walk. I'd go to the garden center after that.

This morning I slept until 9 a.m. When I got out of bed, my hips and back felt achy. Maybe I'd skip the walk and just hit the garden center.

Now I'm wondering how I'll fit a smallish tree in my car. Maybe I'll skip the garden center until later in the week when I'll have access to a van and/or a truck. Maybe I'll close the windows, turn on the A/C, and take a nap.

Or maybe I'll get dressed and go to the garden center anyway. After all, there are a couple other things I need. And a walk would do me good.


  1. I have to absolutely pppppuuuuusssshhhhhhhhh myself to go out when it's super hot out there! I HATE the super heat! Now, we don't usually get California type heat, but it is going up to 30 + Celsius this weekend. Sigh. I'll huddle in my basement suite, turn the air conditioner on and quilt! Hope life gets a bit better--not fun feeling blah!
    Lurking Linda

  2. I'm with you.... I would love to start walking the neighborhood, but I'm not going out at 4am just to beat the heat...and it's been in the upper 90's here...

  3. Whoa...our stars must be lined up the same way. I know exactly how you feel. Yesterday was useless and today is only slightly better. I am sure a lot of this malaise is the HEAT here in the Midwest.

  4. Heat makes me grumpy too. The kids are inside b/c it's so hot and they're bored. They had sports for most of the day but they're crankpots now! So I am too.

  5. I know how you feel. And I know what you mean about the heat and not wanting to be outside. We're in a heatwave right now and it's brutal out there. YUCK.

  6. I'm just like that at present. It has been hot here, in the UK and I don't 'do' heat. I had to go 'off sick' on Sunday due to a sudden increase in pain that I am putting down to the weather - humid and hot, my aches and pains don't like it.

  7. Your day sounds alot like my last week....I just couldn't get motivated. Maybe tomorrow.
    Take care.

  8. Its about 96 here with high humidity..thats unusual for New England. Talk about grumpy! Yikes!
    Your body is trying to tell you something..sit, read, rest, nap! Eat some good stuff!

  9. sound like you've got what everyone else has...blahacidis....yep it's real...just ask your doctor...or your nail tech....


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