Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ah! That's Better!

Yes, after all, I DID make myself go to the garden center this morning. I didn't find a single thing I was looking for, but I think getting out and walking around a little helped my mood tremendously. Well, that AND the fact that it was a little bit cooler today. Just under 90 degrees and not much humidity here--and I know that sounds like a cold snap compared to some of you suffering on the east coast and other parts of the country. I hope you'll cool down soon. From your comments, I realize I'm not the only one who loses all will to live when it's hot like this.

I'm writing before bed on Tuesday night, and I'm planning to get up a little bit earlier tomorrow to head to a better (more selection BUT higher priced) garden center. Hubby suggested I could also try a second garden center nearby if I strike out at the first one, but I suspect by that time, it will be a little too warm for me to want to walk around any more.

I've actually been working on a few projects over the last several days, and I'd like to show you what I've been up to, but I haven't taken photos yet. Tomorrow, maybe. A stitchery project and a Schnibbles. And, to my surprise but, of course, immense satisfaction, my hand has been doing well too. I have some aching and stiffness and a little cramping sometimes, but nothing very painful, and it gets better day by day.

Hubby had his appointment with the orthopedist today, and he got the go ahead to stand up and use his leg again, but it will probably be a little time before he's able to do that, because the muscles in his back and his other leg have weakened from lack of use. He'll be practicing standing up and trying to take a step or two on his own, and his doctor has put in a request for physical therapy, so it's just a matter of time and practice now.

It's time for me to say goodnight and head to bed if I'm going to get up early-ish tomorrow. Try to stay cool, okay?


  1. Glad you are doing Ok with your wrist, Kim...I have been following you and hoping you would heal quickly!!Do they say when you can (have) to go back to work yet?

  2. Oh I hate hot weather. Hope you can keep cool. It has been cool here, of course, it is winter!

  3. Sounds like things are on the upswing at your house healthwise. Glad to hear things are going along well. We haven't been so hot, but it's HUMID and rainy and we're tired of it!

  4. I'm thrilled things are going well for both you and hubby! It's crazy hot here too. I like heat but this is a bit much lol.

  5. So glad to hear that your hand is improving. I am off to the Garden center today too :-) Something about a little bit of dirt under your fingernails that keeps us humble, or something like that ;-)

  6. it is going to be a beee-ooot-eee-ful day here - the high is supposed to be a cool 66 degrees and the air is fresh and clean on accounta it rained last night - not bad for july in the high desert ... of course, the grass is very confused, but i'll guess the little green blades will just have to adjust

  7. stay cool! And enjoy your flower shopping. Hopefully you'll find something today.

  8. Good Luck today - perhaps you are already out there hunting for just the right plants for you yard - which by the way is looking very nice!

  9. Hope you found what you were looking for! Diggin in the dirt always makes me feel better.


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