Friday, June 25, 2010

Struggling Toward Normal

I'm telling you, I AM SOOOOOOO TEMPTED to cut this splint off my arm! But I'm trying to behave, so I won't--at least not today.

I'm feeling pretty normal again. (As normal as I ever get, anyway!) Yesterday I only took two Extra Strength Tylenol around mid-day and nothing today. I have no pain except where the splint rubs a bit on what I think is the incision, and that's more annoying than painful. Just about any way I can move my fingers and thumb feels fine, although I suppose the hand feels just slightly stiff at the limits of movement. And there are things I know I'm not supposed to do--like lift things--so I haven't. I'm really, really anxious to start physical therapy, because I think I'll be able to make a pretty quick recovery--if only I could start! But my next appointment isn't until Wednesday, so I have to be patient.

Today I tried driving, and I didn't have any problems except for snapping the seatbelt into place with this bulky splint. I managed though. Today was tea and embroidery with Gran at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks, and since I was totally and completely ready to get out and be around people again, I went and I had a good time. I even did a little stitching without any difficulty, although I thought I probably should take it easy, so I did.

That Halloween quilt I was piecing the other day? I have all the blocks made and I'm sewing rows of blocks now--I should have it done this weekend. I'm definitely going to need to enlist Hubby's help with some cutting so I'll have something else to do.

I'm not a very good patient, am I? I wish I COULD sit around and do nothing but heal and nap, but I'm just not that person. If I felt worse, I could, but I feel fine and my hand is mostly pain-free, so it's hard to do nothing. I thought it might be fun to go to a movie with Hubby--at least I'd be forced into inactivity for a couple hours--but since I can't lift anything, I can't load his wheelchair into the car and push him around, so that option is out.

I wish I could just push a button and fast forward to Wednesday when the splint will come off and I'll start physical therapy because I can hardly wait. In the meantime, I'll have to try to be the patient patient that I'm not. Do you have any "bad patient" experiences? I have a couple I'll tell you about in the next day or two.


  1. So glad to hear you are doing well. Your tea party sounds like it was fun.

  2. Wow Kim you are making a great recovery. Don't do anything to mess it up ;-)

  3. See? I told you it wouldn't be so bad! Glad to hear you're out and about!

  4. Hi Kim, you make me almost open to the idea of a nerve conduction test, but seems like mine really is shoulder rather than carpal so I may just live in ignorance! Great to hear you are going so well, I wouldn't be much good at doing nothing either!!
    Look after yourself, Tracey xxx

  5. Hmmm...I do seem to recall doing situps about 5 weeks after one of my C-sections, which was definitely NOT something I was supposed to do, LOL. I'm wishing the days will fly for you!

  6. Happy to hear that you are out and about! These things tend not to be as horrible as the pre-imaginings are!

  7. bad patient experiences? my mother comes to mind - but that would take up a whole lotta room in your comments, so i won't go there ... HOWEVER, i am a TERRIBLE Nurse Nancy - i can be the best nurse in the world - i'll bring you hot tea or chicken noodle soup, i'll clean up your barf or wipe your brow, i'll read to you and fluff your pillows, i'll set the alarm to give you your meds in the middle of the night, and do EVERY LITTLE thing that makes you feel better - but you'd better get well in 24 hours cuz by then i'm gonna run outta nice

  8. I am LOL after reading Dianne's comment and can not think about anything to share. I could lend you my yellow whistle if you think that might get some action or just annoy "people" at your house.

  9. PACE yourself, dear, or you will end up lengthening your recovery! Sounds like you are going a bit crazy but generally the older you get the longer it takes to heal so keep that in mind. Take it easy!

  10. Here's my surgery/illness story: First of all, if I get sick I'm not a nice person. I don't like it and it makes me cranky. I had a c-section when I had my son, 38 years ago. I was supposed to go home and rest. I had had a very difficult and dangerous pregnancy. When we came home from the hospital the family came to see the baby. My Mom brought my two year old daughter. Then they left. Just like that. Left alone with a two year old, a newborn and pain from a c-section. What did I do? I said to myself, "well that didn't last long!" and went out to the garage and started a load of laundry. So much for being pampered. I just started in working. I don't think I've stopped since! Tee Hee But you, my dear, should follow orders and do what the doctor says!

  11. Kim,
    Glad to hear you are doing so well.
    Be careful not to overdo it with the physical therapy. I did, and ended up back in a hard cast for several weeks to give it a rest.
    Take care,


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