Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Drugged and Bored Witless

I'm BAAAAAAAACK! At least a little--don't know if I'll be back to blogging regularly yet though. Typing mostly lefthanded is slow work.

As you probably know from Gran's updates, surgery went really well, and I'm ready to get back to normal--except my right arm won't let me. And I'm pretty bored. I'm surprised at how much I CAN do, but every now and then, I slam up against something I unexpectedly CAN'T do--like wash my left armpit. Who knew? I guess I need some kind of bath brush. Stuff like that will take a little getting used to.

The doc prescribed Vicodin, and it's working pretty well, but I get kind of sleepy. And really? I just can't sleep all of the time. I wish I could take my heavy-duty Motrin, but it's on the list of things I can't take for a couple weeks. Tylenol is okay though--maybe I'll give it a try.

I've been doing a little reading--I've STARTED about three books, but they're all slow to start, so they just aren't keeping my attention focused. I feel like I keep reading the same thing over and over--and with the Vicodin? Maybe I a.m.

I'm glad I pre-cut some fabric though. I've been able to sew some strips today off and on. Here's a photo:

You can kind of see my baggie of ice there on the table too. After surgery, they told me to put ice on my arm; only problem is that the wrapping of the splint is too thick for the cold to penetrate. Maybe they just wanted to give me something to do? I figured I can at least get a little baggie of ice across my fingers and the base of the fingers, although I don't really know if it helps or not. But again--it gives me something to do, I suppose.

Another thing I did was to order a second jelly roll of Make Life by Sweetwater--I'm thinking a braid quilt would be simple enough, and I can enlist Hubby's assistance in doing the little bit of cutting that will be needed.

I think I'm probably going to go crazy before I can use this hand again. It's probably a short trip.

P.S.: Robin has her new blog giveaway up--go over there and check it out so you can enter! Just click HERE.


  1. You sound like you are doing great. Wonderful! Just don't over do it.

  2. Made sure I checked Gran's blog to see if you survived....and did...well done you! Glad you are doing well...but like Amy said....don't overdo it! Oh to have time to be bored!! .....who knew you wouldn't be able to wash your armpit armpit...LOLOL.....

  3. So not washing the armpit means you can't shave it either and that means you'll have to beware of the HAIRY PIT! So happy to hear you made it thru with flying colors and isn't boredom a sign of recovery! Have a great day Kim!

  4. She's ALIVE....YEah.....knew you'd make it through surgery...and I bet you're glad I didn't make any jokes about going under the knife and your doctor being the Joker from you're glad aren't ya....

  5. I'm so glad you're doing well. I had hand surgery on each hand recently...trigger finger, carpal tunnel and dequervain tenosynouis. Crazy! My advice is getting one of those wrist supports for the mouse pad. I picked mine up at Joanns. It's made by Dritz. I think it is wonderful. After my bandages came off, my hand/arm would ache after using the computer for a few minutes, but this little support is great.

  6. YOU'RE BACK, YOU'RE BACK, YOU'RE BAAAACK! So glad to see you!! I tried to comment on Gran's blog yesterday, but my computer was acting odd.

    Be on the lookout for a get well card that should suit your personality. And thanks for the shout-out!!!!


  7. oh NOOOO!!! you're gonna have SLAPS (stinky left arm pit syndrome) ... never fear - you have plenty of people who love you enough to either a) wash your pit and roll on the deodorant or 2) ignore the stink and love you anyway

  8. Sandy from ThimbleberriesJune 24, 2010 at 6:22 AM

    I missed my daily morning reading about your adventures. I am glad the surgery went well. I read Gran's blog, so I knew you were doing fine. Do not overdue. The quilt your working on looks very interesting. I can't wait to see it done.

  9. Kim,
    So glad the surgery went well. I had my right hand done about 20 years ago. The pain meds made it tough to concentrate enough to read
    (it seemed like I kept re-reading the same paragraph over and over.)
    Maybe some movie DVD's or books on tape would help keep you from being too bored. Good luck with the recovery. My biggest problem
    was with the fact that my left arm
    seemed much shorter than my right arm when it came to wiping my butt.
    But one does survive!

  10. So glad you're ok Kim! Never thought of the underarm washing thing. I would be so upset if I couldn't shave every day. Maybe Hubby can do it? Ah, love!

  11. So glad things went so well...I hope you are back to your quilting self soon!

  12. I am really glad your back and feeling okay. Just don't overdo and sleeping is a good way for your body to heal itself. Take care

  13. Welcome back and happy to hear all went well! Take it easy and don't overdo even if you're really bored. That's time to watch mindless TV. :)

  14. Kim - One thing that might work better than the bag of ice, is a big bag of frozen peas (or corn) - doesn't melt into a puddle, and can be refrozen over and over. And it's so flexible, and moldable (is that a word?) over your cast.
    Glad you're on the mend. I sure enjoy your blog!

  15. Glad you are back!

    Matron talking here!! don't try to do too much too soon so the good work isn't undone in the future!!

    Enjoy the quilting and dreaming of quilting!

  16. Glad you are doing well after your surgery! The bag of peas idea sounds like a winner to me. Walgreens has an ice pack that is a gel that you can freeze over and over again. They mold nicely to the different contours. Even if you don't think the cold is getting through the splint it probably is. Especially if you leave it on for the 20 minutes.

    If the pain isn't too bad try cutting the vicodin in half. It should help with the sleepiness. Sometimes taking a half now and the other half in an hour or so helps the sleepiness also.

  17. So happy that the actual surgery and all that goes w/it is behind you now ... prayers for a speedy, uneventful recovery!!! Hope your Hubby is doing well too :)

  18. Checking in - you have the funniest commenters. You and they make my day. Speaking of the day - looking forward to seeing you at Time for Tea today.


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