Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How Dry I Am . . .

I hate to say this, but I got nothing for you tonight. Either my brain is dried out and dead or I had a really boring day. Probably the boring day thing.

Actually, the day wasn't very boring to ME, but it wasn't exactly newsworthy either. I did more cleaning of the office (I finally got it done!) and more quilting (and I finally got that project done too except stitching down the binding--so nothing to show just yet). I finally BBQ'd my burgers tonight, but what more can I say after talking about them for the past two days? They WERE really good though. Oh, I know! I can tell you what I put in my burgers!

I came across this basic recipe somewhere and it really is the absolute BEST although I'm not sure why. One pound of hamburger will make four nice sized burgers, and I usually buy 80/20, just like my batting. (Burgers are best with a little more fat.) To that I add a half package of taco seasoning, a heaping teaspoon of minced garlic (or a couple cloves minced up), and a tablespoon or so of diced jalapeno peppers. Um hummm. Jalapeno peppers. Seriously, you'd expect the burgers to be spicy hot but for some reason, they don't seem to be. It just seems like the garlic and jalapeno make the beef more flavorful and juicy. I've fed these to people who don't do well with spicy and they don't even seem to notice, so try it out. Yum!

I think I might be getting a little nervous about surgery or something because I haven't been sleeping very well the last several days. I wake up early, I toss and turn, and my dreams seem uneasy, what I can remember of them. Maybe I need more exercise, but with all the cleaning, it's not like I'm just sitting around all day doing nothing. Or maybe it's allergies. Sometimes I wake all stuffed up and barely able to breathe, which isn't a good thing. I think I'll take a nice, warm bath and wash a Tylenol PM down with a cup of warm milk--maybe that will help. Don't you hate that? Being obviously uneasy about something but not knowing WHAT or WHY? How do you handle it? For me, I usually try to identify the problem, but if I can't, it's often just a matter of waiting a few days for the feeling to pass.

Well, I'm off to try the home remedies. And I'll try to be more interesting tomorrow. Ha!


  1. The title of your post reminded me of an old commercial jingle, do you remember it too? Hang in there, hope to see ya soon!



  2. Yes! That strange feeling that something is wrong, but you don't know what. I try to ignore it. Cause usually that feeling is what's wrong! Hope your remedies result in a good sleep!!!

  3. If you come up with a good rememdy let me know. I've been up every night tossing and turning. I think its the job!

    Hope it passes soon! Have a good day in the Sweat Shop!

  4. Hope you have a good day and a restful night's sleep tonight.

  5. Dr Bach's Sleep Remedy? My family swear by it...Cleaning is tedious, but it certainly doesn't make for goo blogging...Actually I take that back- sometime when you are in great form you might write a funny post about cleaning- I bet you could!
    Vague unease is very wearing, as is waiting for something to happen. You have my symapthy.

  6. It's normal to be anxious about surgery and that anxiety can be awful even when you don't want to participate in it. Deep breathing, walks, talking to people who can relate to that surgery, a little wine (or a lot)LOL, all these can help. It WILL be okay Kim.

  7. It's certainly nothing to get excited about... you will have some work to do before you will be "back to normal". Ya know the old one step forward two steps back thing. But you will win this challenge! I know you will:) Easie peasie!


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