Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The First Time

Rabbit, Rabbit! Do you know about that? I'd forgotten until I was about to post and realized the date. Click HERE if you don't know. I need the good luck this month!

You can only do something for the first time once, but isn't it fun finding new things to do and new places to go? Today I did something for the first time, and it was most excellent.

I spent a little time cleaning the office this morning, but I was easily diverted over to Gran's house and didn't quite finish. That's alright though--it was worth it.

We hadn't gotten together since Gran returned from Quilt Market, so today seemed like the perfect day to visit and chat. As I mentioned yesterday, Gran had fallen on Saturday and banged herself up, and she was still pretty stiff and sore today, so she wasn't up to doing much more today than sitting around and chatting. Her Hubby had some errands to run, and she was on her own, so we sat down in her kitchen and looked through a laundry basket full of goodies she'd brought back from Market. Finally I got to hear about the classes she took, the new products she was enthusiastic about, and the new designers who had sparked her imagination and got her creative juices flowing. (Yes, I'm still jealous that she went and I didn't!)

After we'd looked through all her Quilt Market treasures, I loaded her into my car and drove over to a nearby Starbucks. There we poured through a folder of "ideas" I'd torn out of quilting and craft magazines and talked about what else we could do. If only we had enough time to DO all our imaginations come up with!

But, of course, none of what we'd done so far today was a FIRST. The FIRST came when I looked across the parking lot and asked Gran if she was up to coming with me over to Whole Foods. Yep, it was my FIRST TIME in Whole Foods! Of course, I'd heard stories. And of course, I knew it was one of those places that should be avoided for the health of my finances. But it was just too much to resist today since it was RIGHT THERE.

Remember the BBQ's hamburgers I mentioned in yesterday's post? Well, at Whole Foods my appetite for hamburgers turned into a desire for a portobello mushroom stuffed with shrimp and crab accompanied by smoked mozarella pasta salad. Also too good not to take home? Cinnamon bread, a smooth and creamy blue cheese that's dynamite when paired with hazelnut and fig crackers, and a small wedge of handmilled soap. I guess when you're going to do something for the first time, you should really, really enjoy yourself; don't you agree?

And another first? I suspect you remember I was drawing a winner for the box of scraps tonight, right? Well, in honor of firsts and because the first entry in a contest rarely ever seems to be the one picked, I thought the winner tonight should be the first commenter, Ellen in VA. And, as a bonus, Ellen entered on behalf of a worthy cause. Here's what she said:

"I so enjoy reading your blog. Our group would love to be entered to win the box of scraps. Our blog is: http://stitchersforacause.wordpress.com/"

Ellen, please email me your mailing address and I'll get the box in the mail this week.

As I've been continuing to clean, I've found a few more things to get rid of give away, so stay tuned. I never heard from an earlier winner--one of the two winners of the fabric to make the charm bags--so if I don't hear from Jenesq in the next couple days, I'll have another giveaway for that prize. I also have a few random patterns and who knows what else might show up? Anyway, I'll get back to more cleaning tomorrow and see what I can find. And there's still a BBQ'd hamburger out there, calling my name. Besides all that other stuff I bought at Whole Foods? I also got what I originally went in for--some macaroni salad to go with my burger. Yum!


  1. I never heard of the 'rabbit, rabbit' saying before. I wonder if it has to be said to someone in person or if I could just email it to someone. I need some luck also.
    Sounds like you had a pleasant shopping day and visiting day.
    Hope you, your hubby and Gran all are feeling 100% soon.

  2. Wow what a busy day! I've been to the Whole Foods store and it is pretty overwhelming. And congrats to Ellen. How wonderful that the scraps are going towards a worthy cause. Have a great week!

  3. I use to drive an hour, one way, every other week to get to a Whole Foods...but now we have a Wegmans and they kick Whole Foods butt...

  4. Love your post. That food store or rather your description of it had my mouth watering!

  5. Love Whole Foods, but there's not one anywhee close to me.

  6. You know now I want a burger...ok I'm now going to the fancy grocery store...all Kim's fault..

  7. I've been doing "rabbit rabbit" since I found out about it in high school and as a matter of fact, I did it this morning. LOL!

    Love Whole Foods but I don't visit it very often. Dangerous on the wallet. But what I like is their fresh made meatball sub. OOOOOOO! It is soooooo goooooood!

  8. What a fun day! I've only been in a Whole Foods once, because there isn't one nearby. But it was so much fun! Glad you enjoyed your day.


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