Saturday, May 1, 2010


I finished quilting and binding Tagalong, this month's Schnibbles--just under the gun too! I probably couldn't have done it without the help of my friend, Stitch.

You might remember my earlier post when I showed you the completed top and mentioned I'd set mine differently, because the fabric I used, Garden Party by Blackbird Designs, seemed to blend together when the blocks were set in rows.

Stitch agreed that something different was needed, so I searched my stash and found the cream colored setting squares--the fabric has writing on it, and I'm a fool for graphics and writing. (Okay, so maybe I AM a fool most of the time, even when graphics and writing AREN'T involved. You can just tell that's what Stitch is thinking, right?)

And speaking of graphics and writing, did you notice the quilt back? Stitch did. More graphics and writing, although it's a different fabric line--something else found in the stash of a fool.

And then I thought you might want to see the quilting up close and personal, so I took a photo and photoshopped it until it kind of showed up. Daylight helps when taking photos of quilting, because you can get those nice shadows and light, but when you're taking photos at night, Photoshop is the next best thing.

In fact, the above photo of Stitch turned out nearly black, but through the magic of Photoshop, I was able to lighten it until Stitch emerged from the darkness. I just couldn't seem to teach him to change the bobbin though. Are you as bored with this post as he looks in the photo? I think he's catatonic. Get it? CAT-atonic? Ar, ar, ar!


  1. The quilt is lovely and I really like your quilting. Do you mark or do you just "go with the flow"?

  2. I'm thinking there's a cat-labor law being violated somewhere in this post...

  3. I love Stitch. He seems like a wonderful kitty! Such a character. Kind of like his mommy, I'd say! :-)

    Oh I just love your new quilt. It is so sweet and I love writing on fabric too. Great job.

  4. Bored? Never.. Perhaps Stitch is quilting challenged! And, when you're that cute, you don't need to know how to do anything anyways!LOL

  5. Stitch is so big now! Tagalong looks great!

  6. Kim, I'm laughin' my bunns off here!
    Stitch would cat-a-gor-ic-ly deny that he's bored....LOL
    Take care.

  7. Stitch is funny and the quilt is goregous! Good thinking with the word fabric.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!