Friday, April 30, 2010

Chit Chat

I'm sure you'll be disappointed to hear that Gran and I behaved ourselves at Starbucks today. Sure makes for a boring story, doesn't it? I think it's because we didn't have Brandon to play with--our barrista today was one of the worst I've seen when it comes to customer service. Bet she can't whistle the Jeopardy tune either.

But you know--good barrista or bad barrista, it was awfully nice getting together with Gran. We really hadn't had much opportunity to just sit and chat since before her vacation to Maryland, so it's been a few weeks.

What else did I do today? Nothing too exciting. I cleaned house, saw my workers' comp doctor, stopped by the quilt shop, did some grocery shopping, and quilted the Schnibbles Tagalong quilt--I still have to do the binding though.

I think I probably told you the other day, after the nerve conduction studies were performed, that I have moderate carpal tunnel in my right hand, right? I thought I might find out more about treatment when I saw the doctor today, but all I really found out is that the next step is to refer me to a hand specialist for evaluation. So more waiting. Thank goodness for reading and quilting, that's all I can say! If I didn't have any hobbies or interests, I'm not sure what I'd do with myself.

Speaking of quilting, Anonymous Sue left me a comment on yesterday's post saying she'd just been to a quilt show in Columbia, Maryland, and someone had entered a quilt they made from my Spring! pattern. How cool is THAT?! Do you remember that old Steve Martin movie, The Jerk (in which Steve Martin was "raised a poor black child"), where he says something like "The new phone book is here! I'm somebody now!"? Yep, that's the kind of excitement I'm feeling about somebody's Spring! quilt being in a quilt show and seen by millions and millions of people! (Okay, yep, slight exaggeration on the number of people who will see that quilt, but I'm just THAT excited!) And I understand I'm even given credit for the pattern. I'm pretty sure it won't be long now before they'll be beating down my door. Of course, I'm not sure who "they" are, but as long as "they" come calling with wads and wads of money, they're welcome to beat down my door anytime!

Gosh, would you look at the time? It's after midnight, and Friday's going to be a busy day, so I'd better shut down the computer and get to bed. I'm glad you could stop by for a chat!


  1. Congrats on the pattern coverage! Very exciting for you!

  2. Somewhat disappointed to hear you and Gran behaved yourselves...I was hoping for more fun stories! And congrats on your pattern in the quilt show. How fun!

  3. Congrats on getting your pattern in a show! Now we can say we knew you when! I hope the hand specialist will get you authorized for a carpal tunnel release so you can get back to life. It's a real easy surgery. Heck, I took four days of testimony the day after my stitches came out.

  4. Now how cool is that! What fun to be "known"! Please stop by my blog and vote for my friend. Thanks and have a great weekend :-)

  5. The phone book is here! I'm somebody now! LOL!! OH. Now I want to watch that movie again. Thanks for the chuckle! How exciting for you! Wish I had seen it.

  6. Oh, boring story. But Congrats on your pattern.
    As long as "They" aren't wearing white coats, let them come.

  7. So exciting about the quilt show quilt! And how nice that credit was given where it was due. Congrats! It is a beautiful pattern!

    We do have the best hobby, don't we? What would we do without it?!

  8. Hey - good on you for your notoriety on the East Coast - you deserve lots more - I like what Vicky said about us saying we knew you when!! I feel the same way! Can't wait for your class tomorrow!

  9. Oh CONGRATS on the Spring! quilt being in the show! How exciting is THAT!?!!! You are FAMOUS!!!


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