Saturday, May 22, 2010

I Guess I Should Blog

Remember my post several days ago asking anyone going to Quilt Market to be on the lookout for Lindy and Gran? Well, I had a comment this evening on that post that said, "I found them!! They were dancing fools tonight at the Moda dinner!! I couldn't get them off the dance floor!" Unfortunately the commenter was "no reply," so I couldn't get any details, but that launched me on a search of blogs, Twitter, Flickr, and Facebook for Quilt Market photos to see if I could spot them. No luck so far.

But you know how time magically telescopes when you're on the computer? Suddenly a couple hours had gone by and I realized I'd better blog soon, or I'd be sleeping on the keyboard. So here I am.

I wanted to thank all of you for the cleaning tips. Late this afternoon, I made a list of everything you mentioned and hit the grocery store to round up all the products I might possibly need, including several you didn't mention. I now have a plethora of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. I actually had ONE package under the sink that had been there for years and never been used, but since I wasn't certain about the shelf life of a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, I thought I'd be better off buying another package. Shucks! They had Mr. Clean Magic Eraser EXTRA POWER (50% stronger) and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser for the BATH (30% LARGER and more durable)! Since I couldn't decide between the two, I thought I'd get both and test them--I'll let you know. (BTW, they had one for stoves too, but I thought three of these products was enough. I DO draw the line somewhere!)

That's not all my cleaning products though. I'd been to the OTHER grocery store a couple days ago and came home with several products that Hubby moved out to the garage, so they didn't get their photograph taken. Suffice it to say that with all the stuff I have, I'm pretty sure all I need to do is go to bed tonight, and the products will clean the house themselves. Hubby laughs at me. I don't know why. Just in case, though, you're still welcome to come over at 9 a.m.--I'll have the coffee on and if the house has cleaned itself, we can just drink coffee and chat.

Also earlier in the day, I was doing a little blog surfing and read Moose on the Porch's post about not going to Quilt Market (I know the feeling!) and asking what those of us not going were doing instead. That reminded me that tonight was Friday Night Sew In night! Not quite as good as Market, but not too bad either.

Well remember my aqua and red fabric piles and my plan to make the Schnibbles Picnic quilt? I tested out some blocks the other day and was quite disappointed at how anemic they looked. Here's a photo of them stuck up on the design wall with some sashing and setting triangles:

I figured I really had used the wrong background fabric but it was the only thing I had on hand at the time, so I went to Bearpaws & Hollyhocks yesterday to find some other background fabric. The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized that wasn't my only problem. I think working with these colors can be a little tricky!

What finally occurred to me was something Sinta (the co-Queen of the Schnibbles Parade) had suggested--using aqua for the background and red for the baskets with red and white for the accents. Yep, THAT would keep them from looking anemic! So I spent Friday Night Sew In cutting out new pieces for the Picnic Schnibbles quilt. I got most of the half square triangles sewn and have started trimming them to size.

If I still don't like it, I'm going to revert to what I was thinking before I got sidetracked by that luscious aqua and red pile of fabric--using Sweetwater's Make Life charms for this quilt. It would still have aqua and red in it, but it would also have several other colors in it. So we'll see--first I'll make a few blocks with what I've been working on tonight.

I must say you've all been remarkably patient reading through all the stuff above to get to this point where I tell you who has won the two Schnibbles patterns. The winner of the Little Red pattern is #11, Anonymous Cindy, and the winner of the Plan C pattern is #22, Lady of the Cloth. Congratulations ladies! Please email me your mailing addresses and I'll get them in the mail in the next few days. For those of you who didn't win this time, check back--I'll be giving away a couple more Schnibbles patterns soon as well as another scrappy prize.

Thanks for stopping in to visit, and if you happen to be at Quilt Market, don't forget to watch for Lindy and Gran! I'd love to hear about any sightings and I'd love even more to see some photos!


  1. I love the way the quilt is pretty!

  2. Hurry and get those second blocks posted!! LOL

  3. Just with that glimpse I love the aqua background. Good luck with the cleaning!

  4. a couple of years ago (when i was cleaning out my mother's apartment) i used a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on her bath tub ... actually, i used THREE of them - they worked, but shredded under the stress of cleaning gawd-only-knows-how-much old lady dirt - it's always good to have backups

    don'cha just love the new Miss Rosie book?!?

    and now i'm gonna take my cuppa and read Picnic Time Quilt and Tote Pattern (by one of my FAVORITE DESIGNERS)

  5. I really love the red and aqua/blue but I do see what you mean about them not really looking very striking. Its odd how some combinations just don't seem to play together...actually they play too well I guess!

  6. It's looking good. I too received my picnic time quilt and tote pattern and I looked it over. I can't wait to get it started!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!