Sunday, May 23, 2010

Ah! That's Better!

Where WERE you this morning? I waited and waited and drank cup after cup of coffee waiting for all of you to show up and help me clean, but no one came! Sheesh!

Thank you, though, for your cleaning tips. They helped a bunch! Really, between all the waiting and all the coffee drinking (and then all the running to the bathroom that naturally follows all the coffee drinking), and considering the lack of help, I only really got one of the bathrooms bright and shiny clean and that was a heck of a lot of work. A few days ago, before I asked you for tips, I'd checked the internet about those hard water stains and mineral build up, and I tried out the method where you stick vinegar-soaked cloths over the areas, hope for the best, and then scrub and scrub, but that didn't get all of it so I asked you.

Today I first tried the Scrubbing Bubbles. That worked okay for the soap scum, and it's something I'll probably use every few weeks, but it didn't get rid of all of it. Then came the Mr. Clean Eraser, and it worked pretty darn well! I'm glad I used the larger, stronger bathroom one because by the end of the job, it was pretty much falling apart. I still had a little bit of stuff that Mr. Clean wasn't able to cope with, so then I used the baking soda soak. And then the vinegar soak again. And then I carefully scraped off what was left--I felt like a dental hygenist scraping teeth! FINALLY, finally, the bathtub looked pretty good, so then I tried another tip I'd read online--I used a car polish on it so water will bead up and run off instead of leaving more hard water deposits.

After that, I cleaned the rest of the bathroom. And can I just voice my opinion that women over 40 shouldn't have to get down on their knees and scrub anything? I think their children should do it for them. I think I'll have bruises for awhile.

But do you know what the hardest part was? When I got all done, I took a bath and for the first time in awhile, I could clearly see myself in the chrome fixtures. Egad!

Between all the soaking parts of the cleaning, I worked a bit on the basket blocks. Then I worked on them some more this evening. Yes, I think Sinta is an incredibly wise Schnibbler. I like this positioning of the colors much better than what I first tried.

I still have several baskets left to make, but then I have another bathroom to clean tomorrow, so there will be more time between soaking for sewing. I'll have the coffee on by 9 a.m., so if you feel like helping out, come on by!


  1. The blue really does make a difference. I am sorry I wasn't able to come over and help you clean, I had to play at BP! I bought some fabric and a Kaye England pattern, sort of like a Schnibble. I think everyone who came in today bought charm packs! Have a great Sunday!



  2. Loving your baskets! I just want a magic cleaner that makes it stay clean no more you know where we can find that, LOL!?

  3. Ooooh they are GORGEOUS!!! Love it!!
    Hmmm I think I ummm... errr... have to wash my hair at 9am... yeah that's right.... :)

  4. Wow!!Kim those blocks are simply THE BEST!!!! Sinta's got a good eye for color placement...I wonder if she hires out!?LOL!

  5. last day of market still no Gran...:(

  6. I love them too. Using aqua as the background fabric really makes the baskets pop. I may have to steal your idea. Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

  7. Sorry, I have been up to my eyeballs in scrubbing bubbles myself here. Now, if only the place could stay this clean for awhile....
    The red and aqua baskets are wonderful! So unexpected.

  8. Sandy from ThimbleberriesMay 23, 2010 at 7:09 AM

    I love the baskets. They stand out much better on the blue. I agree with Shelley, Sinta has a great eye. Sorry I couldn't come over and help but I had to play golf at Apple Mountain. I am sure helping you might have been more fun, but what am I to do Bill wanted to play golf. Tell you what, you can come over and show me how great those products are in my tub and I will help the next time you need someone to supervise you.

  9. Kim - just wanted you to know that your cleaning tips are helping other people, too! I tried the tip about putting hot wather and 1/2 gal of vinegar in the bathtub and letting it sit, then scrubbing. I had to use a little baking soda and elbow grease, but it was much easier and my bathtub looks better than it has in a long time. I love tips that work! I'm also a big fan of Lemmi-Shine in the dishwasher - it really helps with the mineral buildup on my dishes.

    Keep the quilt tips coming, too!

  10. Those blocks do look fantastic!
    Good job on the bathroom, I personally hate cleaning with a passion so I can't wait until my daughter's old enough to help.

  11. oh gosh Kim, I really wish I could have helped you........... but I didn't want to. yeah. truth.
    I've always wanted to answer someone that when they call to enlist my help for some school or church or local function. "Oh gosh I really wish I could help, but I don't want to". instead I just always say oh sure! but see, I was able to tell you no. such a big step in my developement deserves some sort of reward, don't you think? like some already made gorgeous basket blocks.......... hmmm...........
    what do you mean you'd love to give them to me but you don't want to????? no fair!!! you stole my answer!

  12. I did like the baskets before, but the new ones are AMAZING! Wow, the aqua background is absolutely perfect.

    Sorry I missed all the cleaning fun! :-) Scrubbing the bathrooms is my least favorite chore, bar none. I make myself do it every Thursday or Friday. Putting myself on a schedule (for that one chore) forces me to keep up on it. My knees hate me too for it.

  13. Dang..sounds like I missed heck of a good cleaning. You see problem is I'm on the East coast and just couldn't make it in time! Does it count that I thought of you? Hee!!
    Oh yes...these baskets are waaaaay better!

  14. Kim,

    I had every intention of running right over, but on the way I was kidnapped and taken hostage. I was forced to go to a party and have fun.....Life is so hard (sighhhh),


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