Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sew Happy!

What a difference a day (and a big needle!) makes. I've been feeling so much better today--not quite normal yet (whatever THAT is), but at least I've felt like I had some energy and a little more interest in life.

Yes, my--I'm not sure what to call it. Lump? Mt. Vesuvius? Third breast? Well, whatever it is, it's still there and still a bit tender, but it's much smaller and much less sore than it was yesterday. And I slept pretty well--something I hadn't really been doing for the last several days when it hurt to move my arm.

What did I do today? I cleaned house! Maybe it's not that exciting to some people, but yesterday, before the doctor, I wouldn't have been able to do it. Now my house is nice and clean. I even cleaned out the refrigerator and put together a few meals for the next couple days using leftovers. I made stuff like homemade croutons, tomato/vegetable soup, and mac and cheese with ham. Yum! And, now that I think about it, I actually had an appetite today. I didn't realize my appetite was missing, but today food TASTED good.

What else? I went into the Sweat Shop and SEWED! I've been working on a larger version of a Schnibbles pattern, Plan C, for the last week or so, but I really haven't felt very motivated. I'm happy to say that I finished the top today. Yay me! I'm teaching a Schnibbles class in about a month, and I wanted a sample of one of the larger quilts using two layer cakes instead of two charm packs--this one was made with Minnick & Simpson's Bar Harbor line.

I haven't measured it, but I think this quilt measures around 65" square--a really nice size, in my opinion. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get far enough back to get the whole quilt into the photo, but I think you get the idea, right? I'm just missing the side borders and the corners, which are four-patch blocks. I'll get a better photo another time--maybe when I get around to quilting it.

Once I finished Plan C, I pulled out my Spooktacular jelly roll and got busy with the next Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt Along block. We were given the pattern for this one nearly two weeks ago I think, but I wasn't able to set my other projects aside and make it until now.

I like the way block 3 turned out and I think it looks great with the other two blocks we've made so far--

If I've got my dates right, we'll be getting another block pattern in a couple days, and I'm kind of excited!

Now that I'm feeling better, I realize how unenthusiastic I've been over the last couple weeks. It's funny how much everything is affected when we don't feel quite right, isn't it? Or maybe I'm feeling happier because of dessert--antibiotics four times a day that must be taken with food definitely means dessert is a necessity for that fourth meal. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Happy weekend everyone!


  1. You sure had a fantastic boost of energy! Everything looks Plan C enlarged!!

  2. I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better.

    Your Plan C looks great!

    Antibiotics 4 times a day...yuck!

  3. I'm glad you're a little better! And motivated. I'm seriously lacking there.

  4. Sew glad you are out of the 'pits'!! Maybe you need to get a pet leech...just a thought!;o) Take care!

  5. So glad that you have some renewed energy. You really did get a lot accomplished.

  6. The Doctor stuck you with that needle and pulled out all the bad mojo...and now you're back in the game...Woot Woot...

  7. I am with you--nothing perks me up more than a clean house. Except maybe making a gorgeous quilt top like your Plan C!

  8. Cute stuff! I like Plan C in patriotic colors. Spooktacular is perfect for the jelly roll sampler quilt.

  9. I am always amazed at how much sewing you get done! Great job, I love to read your blog!

  10. Sooooo glad you went back to a doctor! I would have missed your joyful blog!!!! Love what you're sewing these days. Stay healthy and happy.
    Lurking Linda

  11. I love the stars. Glad that you're feeling a little better. Take care

  12. I also love your blog.

    Glad you ae feeling better and let us know what the doctor says when they get the results!

  13. Your quilt top - AWESOME. Your jelly roll block - AWESOME(we get the new one tomorrow!) I'm looking forward to it. Happy to hear you were feeling better to be creative.

  14. Your Plan C is beyond beautiful. I just love that pattern and it looks great in the red, white and blue. I want to get the new "Schnibbles Times Two" looks great.

    So glad you're feeling better! You can sense your energy in your post! The Halloween quilt is turning out sooo nice do SUCH nice work!

  15. So glad you're feeling better!

  16. I am glad to hear you are feeling well again! I had been sick to/and I'm sick of it! I love your Bar Harbor project and your jelly roll blocks!

  17. oh my gosh I love that red white and blue top! I don't usually care for RWB quitlts, but yours is FABULOUS!!!!


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