Monday, April 12, 2010

Hey! Look! She Really CAN Embroider!

Really, the running joke among those who know me has been about my embroidery abilities--or lack thereof! I've been taking Gran's embroidery class for the past year and I'm not sure anyone's seen me complete anything--mostly, I'm really good at BUYING stuff like patterns, floss, needles, etc. But now I finally finished something--this Mother's Day tea towel, which is a free design from Bird Brain Designs--click HERE if you'd like to make it too. (I enlarged mine a bit on a photocopier.) Gran and I went to a sewing and craft show back in March and met the ladies of Bird Brain Designs--they were so much fun to chat with!

I'm really not supposed to be doing much hand stitching. The physical therapist told me I could try it and see if it bothered my hands, and it seems okay for short periods, so that's what I've limited myself to--short periods every now and then. I've been working on this project for about three weeks now.

Of course, isn't that just like me? Here I haven't done hardly any stitching for the past year until now, when I know I shouldn't be doing much, and THEN I finish a project! Still, it's nice to get something made, isn't it? Maybe I WILL get Hocuspocusville done someday!


  1. Good job. I like to embroider from time to time. I find it soothing.

  2. It looks perfect, Kim. My first attempt this weekend didn't go so well, but it stays as it lays. Sure wish I could take Gran's class!

  3. Nice. You know, buying things is an essential talent. Your embroidery looks like a talent too!

  4. It looks great!! Much better then my attempts have been.

  5. Very cute! I like your slightly enlarged version. :-) I've met the Bird Brain ladies too~ aren't they great? Have a happy day!

  6. Ohhhh what a pretty tea towel and the embroidery looks great :) I've been MIA for a few days and just got all caught up w/you; and OMG on the "arm pit dilemma" and all those needles! You are certainly much braver than me and here's hoping that it improves and does so quickly! Oh and your larger Scnibbles is gorgeous :)

  7. Your towel is beautiful. Who care how long it took. It's done and if you enjoyed making it, that's all that matters.

  8. Gran seems to be a great influence! I am more of a collector also and maybe just lacking confidence to actually make an embroidery piece... but yours is beautiful Kim. You did a fantastic job!

  9. lovely!!!!! what else are you doing that you aren't supposed to?

  10. your armpit swelling could be cat scratch fever.

  11. Melissa and i think that your embroidered tea towel is VERY pretty! and you have MY permission to cause permanent damage to ANYONE who tries to sop up red Koolaid with it!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!