Friday, March 19, 2010

What About Hubby?

Since I've been off work, lots of people have asked whether Hubby and I have killed each other yet--because, of course, we're both home together, enjoying this little preview of retirement living. Nope, he's still alive, and so am I--obviously. In some ways, things are easier. For instance, I have more time for his (what often seem to be dumb) questions. And I have more time to repeat myself a couple times because he can't hear what I've said the first (and second) times. AND I have more time to check up on him to see if he's done what I've asked him to do.

And yep, I know I can be described sometimes by the "B" word. I guess that's why people check on us. But yeah, we're doing okay so far.

The other day, Hubby went to have his head examined. Uh huh, FINALLY! That's what I'VE been saying for years, and his new doctor agreed with me--but his reasons were different from mine. This doc was concerned that the old doc hadn't had an MRI performed to rule out brain tumor when Hubby's Meniere's was diagnosed. So last Saturday morning, Hubby went down to the medical center and had an MRI. On Monday, he went to see the ENT for some additional testing and was told there was no tumor and his brain looked normal. Of course, he asked her for proof that (1) he had a brain and (2) that it appeared normal, because I've been suggesting otherwise all these years. I guess he thought he'd bring home a film or two for show and tell, but she just looked at him when he asked and went on to talk about something else.

Last week, Hubby finished his latest Pot People creation--actually, it's a Pot CAT that he made for our neighbor. Here's a photo:

It turned out pretty cute, I think! She insisted on paying Hubby and bringing us some wine and oranges from her tree, and she's going to set this guy up out by her koi pond.

Hubby had a go at baking some cookies the other day. As he often does, he burned half of the batch, but Soccer Son believes Hubby LIKES burned cookies and does it on purpose--at least it's one way of keeping other people (like Soccer Son) from eating "his" cookies. Hubby was sweet enough to bake me a batch of my favorite peanut butter cookies and only a few were a little overdone on the bottom.

Yep, I think I probably haven't killed Hubby yet because of the nice things he does for me. I'm not sure why he hasn't killed me yet, but I suspect it's because I can run faster than he can.


  1. Glad that there is not going to be a murder trial yet lol
    You have the same sort of sense of humour as me especially when it came to the checking if they have a brain well men don't or it rarely used lol
    Enjoy your time off together
    Hugs Janice

  2. Love the Pot Cat Hubby made. Don't you have one in the front of the house where you have been redoing? or isn't that finished yet.

    Please don't murder him yet, he has a few more good years.

  3. I'm thinking he hasn't killed you yet cause he doesn't want to dig a hole in the backyard...just sayin'.....and he might be a tad shy and not want his picture on the front page of the paper running around the front yard with a rotary cutter in his hand...

  4. You are so funny Kim! I bet you and hubby are a riot together. I love the cat he made, it is a fantastic piece of art. So unique!

  5. LOL you two sound like DH and I. People sometimes have a hard time believing we like, let alone love each other. We bicker all the time, not crazy tv style but little bits, it's just our way, and most of the time playing anyway.

  6. i seriously doubt that an MRI of my eX's head would reveal his brain - i always suspected that he kept it ... well ... elsewhere

  7. roflol
    and I just put my make up on for work - now I need to go into the lab again.......... shish

    I forgot to ask - please check out your link to my blog, I still am coming up with the error message on this end. Thanks luv.

  8. DH and I have been both retired for 4 years now, and we have our moments, but mostly it's all good. I think we probably do have a reputation for bickering a bit, but I try to fight it.

  9. Lol! I am glad there has been no murder and mayhem at your house...hey, he is a keeper, he bakes...and creates pot kitties!

  10. Hey, you were describing MY hubby! Do you know him? LOL! Glad you're doing so well.


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