Thursday, March 18, 2010

Block Wall

Want to see what's up on my design wall? It looks rather chaotic, but that's because these large blocks are overlapping one another right now. This is one of those projects I mentioned being so excited about the other day. Just these happy colors alone make me excited!

There are nine 16-1/2" blocks, and these nine blocks form the basis of a picnic quilt I'm working on for a class I'll be teaching in May. (I'll also be making a matching picnic tote.) The inspiration for the fabrics, though was this really lovely print by Lecien called Sugar Flower which will eventually border the quilt.

I'll show you my progress as I go along. Tomorrow (Thursday), though, Gran and I have some "(older) girl stuff" planned and I have a couple errands to run, so I'm not sure how much further I'll get on this.

Thanks for stopping in for a visit.


  1. You are right, they are happy colors and look great on your wall!

  2. LKooks just like a picnic, Love all the polka dots and stripes.

  3. Hey...what's my fabric doing on your design wall??? Very cheery indeed! Actually, do you know where I could get a hold of some of the polka dots pink or blue. I would love to use this for the backing on my jellyroll sampler.

  4. Love your background wallpaper - when your blog came up - I got a great big smile on my face!!! Yea!! SPRING!!! Love your picnic quilt - so cheerful and pretty. Have fun with Gran.

  5. Hmmm...Older girl stuff planned...??? Off to buy hemorrhoid cream? Checking out Depends? I will have to ponder this for awhile....Such fun getting old...Have a great time doing 'whatever' you two are going to do! The quilt is looking awesome!! Enjoyed the made me re-think getting older...!

  6. Very Happy fabrics. I can't wait to see the end result.

  7. Those colors are just teriffic!!! Love the dots. Can't wait to see it together....and so glad when I logon in the morning and there's a post from you. Good to have you back more regularly - you were missed! Hope you're feeling lots better...piece.

  8. Love the cheerful blocks. Knowing you it's going to be a gorgeous quilt! I love that Lecien fabric, I can't wait to see it as the border!

  9. nice cheerful fabrics will make a beautiful quilt
    Hugs Janice

  10. I love your colors!!! looks like a quick block to zip up too! wish I lived closer.


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