Thursday, March 4, 2010

Carrots, Anyone?

From one year to the next, I tend to forget exactly what decorations I have for each holiday, and when I get everything out, I get really, really excited again--yes, I'm just like a kid! Anyway, I had, of course, forgotten all about the carrots I've made for the last two years until I unpacked a bunch, and I thought those of you who are new to my blog might enjoy making some yourself. Click HERE for a link to the tutorial I posted last year. Really, they're fast and easy--it's probably something you can even do with a child or grandchild. Happy gardening!


Lady Beekeeper said...


Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Love your carrots and your jelly roll you picked for your sampler is going to be a great quilt.

Anonymous said...

As soon as I saw these I remembered your post from last year! Has it really been a year? Geez!!

julieQ said...

They are so fun!! I copied the pattern last year...hmmm, did not make any yet. This year is my year!

Betsy said...


Sinta Renee said...

I'm glad you posted about those carrots this year. I wanted to make them last year and never got to it... maybe this year is the year, 'cause they are so cute!

Laura said...

Oh those are great! I love the feeling of finding decorations I forgot about!

quiltmamajb said...

These are adorable!! Thanks for the directions - and so good to see your post - miss reading you every morning. Hope you're feeling well.....piece.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kim!

Heckety said...

OOh what fun! Thank you for the tutorial...d'you suppose Marey Horse would eat your carrots or would she prefer the crunchy variety?

Busy Little Quilter said...

I found these carrots 2 years ago on your blog; the first time I came for a visit. Who knew that stuffed carrots could form a friendship? :)

Vicky said...

Hey Kim - get well soon! My morning coffee just ain't the same without reading your lastest shenanigans while sipping!

Cheryl said...

Love to copy the pattern!!!