Friday, February 26, 2010



I've finished piecing the blocks and cutting the setting triangles. I've gotten those parts--the blocks and the setting triangles--up on the design wall. What's still left to do? Piecing the blocks together. Piecing the borders. But not tonight--I'm pooped!

The clock on the microwave tells me that it's nearly 11 p.m., and even with the breaks I've taken, this is probably more sewing than I've done in the last month. Time to call it a day. I'm just not the sewing party animal I once was!

But no party is complete without a little dessert--blueberry buckle topped with vanilla ice cream. Yum!

* * * * *


Hubby came to the door of the Sweat Shop and cautiously inquired about dinner, and although I hated to do it, I was forced to take a break and grill up some pesto chicken breasts with a little melted smoked fontina on top. I slapped these babies down on some whole wheat buns, added a little tomato, red onion, avocado, mayo, and butter lettuce, and plunked down some sliced melon on the side. Several minutes and a couple of napkins later, and I was back in the Sweat Shop.

All the cutting is now done and I'm ready to fire up the old Bernina! Party on, dude!

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Yes, I'm arriving fashionably LATE to the Spring Sewing Party, but it couldn't be avoided. Yesterday I decided to work on an older Schnibbles pattern, and instead of charm packs, I selected several fat quarters at the quilt shop, only to realize last night that I had no lighter fabrics and only one medium fabric in my grouping. So back to the quilt shop I went today for more. (And I also needed to do some grocery shopping--it seems my work is never done!)

So, here's what I'm working on and my final fabric selections. Most of this fabric is from a line called Turn of the Century manufactured by Exclusively Quilters with just a couple other pieces thrown in to round out the group.

I'll see you later with an update!

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Have you seen there's a Spring Sewing Party taking place in cyberspace on Saturday? Check out Charming Chatter's blog. I'm in--I could use a good party--AND some motivation for sewing! I've really gotten very lazy in my time off work--I'm finding that WORK is the great motivator for getting things done at home, because if you have tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after THAT, it's awfully easy to procrastinate, whereas if you have to get something done TODAY--well, there are no alternatives!

I started physical therapy this week and it's been quite interesting. I can feel a little bit of a DIFFERENCE in my right hand (parts of which have remained numb all this time), but I'm not sure whether it's a GOOD difference or a BAD difference--I THINK it means it's waking up a little, though, so that's good.

Anyway, I have some things to show you and tell you, so I'll post a couple photos in the next few days and maybe get Hubby to help with some typing. In the meantime, join Saturday's party and I'll see you back here soon!


  1. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Saturday sewing sounds great although it will have to be after work:)

    Take care

  2. Oh yea, I need a good sew day or no complications or visitors...Thanks for the link!

  3. Glad for a bit more feeling in your fingers. Takes so much time, doesn't it. Enjoy your time off, you deserve and need it to heal.

  4. Well I'm glad 'something' is happening in your hand...d'you think your hands should be the next self portrait since they are reather dominating your life at present?!

  5. Happy to hear you're on the road to recovery. Wish I can join the sewing party but Saturday is my errand day and i'll be gone for most of it. I'm hoping to get some sewing in this evening though. Have fun!

  6. So glad you're feeling somewhat better - and really excited you're joining us in the party fun! Can't wait to sew with you tomorrow!

  7. Glad that PT is making a difference, looking forward to seeing you at the party tomorrow :)

  8. Looking forward to seeing you on the Party. I am rushing now to start on a Jelly Roll bag for my little GD. Hope she likes the colors :-) Happy Quilting to you.

  9. Love your fabric selections. Can't wait to see your schnibble quilt.

  10. Schnibbles got to love them. Great to see you back sewing

  11. What a great party.And the pattern.Love it.

  12. Love your project. It has so wonderful colours. It has been so fun with this Spring Sewing Party :)

  13. Hi Kim!
    Love the colors of your quilt!

  14. Your Schnibbles is awesome! I need to survey which ones I have and start picking up more of them. I keep seeing the most adorable quilts folks are making and blogging about! So happy you've gotten in a sewing weekend! Good for you! Just don't overdo it!

  15. Oh Kim - I'm loving your Schnibbles - that is REALLY CUTE! And, you're no party pooper - you out partied me! Your food looks SO GOOD - my stomach is growling. Thanks so much for coming to the party!

  16. Lovely quilt. And that Blueberry Buckle is my favourite! Glad you could ocme to the party.
    Happy sewing!

  17. Your dessert sure looks good, any leftovers? LOL
    I think you got a lot done at the party!

  18. Love the colors! I look forward to seeing it all done!

  19. Wow Kim, your Rooibos is looking great! Love your colors. It was such a fun party!

  20. Why is it that I find out about all this fun... the day after it ends! I love your project... and I would have loved the dessert you made also!!!

  21. Great project. I love the pattern you used.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!