Friday, February 26, 2010

A Happy Day

Since I've been off work with the wrist/hand problems, I tend to fall into a mindset where it's not okay to do much of anything but sit around the house all day as though I was "sick." Every now and then, I have to remind myself that it's okay to get out and see people--and that was exactly what I did today. Last month, Gran started a monthly "tea and stitchery" get together at Bear Paws and Hollyhocks, so I joined them this afternoon.

Sadly, I didn't think to take photos until we had devoured just about all the tea sandwiches and treats Gran brought for us, but I think you can see she did a great job, bringing a gazillion different types of tea, vintage pressed glass luncheon plates and cups, and even a few daffodils from her garden. Lovely!

A couple years ago, I posted a photo of Lindy's weird/creepy rabbits--I just love this couple! Every year she puts them out before Easter, and the oddness of them never fails to bring a smile to my face, so I thought I'd share another photo with you.

The other day, I asked my physical therapist whether I could stitch with a needle, and he told me to give it a try and see how it goes, so I've been working on the binding of this Winter White Schnibbles quilt for the last couple days--I finished it during the tea party.

And here's a photo of the second one I made from the leftover Old Primrose Inn fabric I had amassed for the Winter White Schnibbles. This quilt looks much darker than the other--it almost doesn't look like the same line of fabric, does it?

Best of all, after the tea party, Gran and I went to a Chinese restaurant for a little dinner and girl talk. I've settled, somewhat, into my new routine of not working, doctor visits, and physical therapy visits, but I miss spending time with people--my friends at work, my quilting friends, and those of you I interact with in Blogland. Today was a nice change, and I'm grateful to Gran for getting me out of the house--and thanks to YOU for stopping in to visit!


  1. Two post back to back...yeah...but I know it won't last long...gotta protect those wrist/arms...anywho...glad to see you're back...

  2. I've missed starting my day with you but am glad you are taking care of your little self....

  3. Kim, I am glad to see your back in blog land and starting to mend (no pun intended). I know these sorts of set backs in life can really turn us upside down. Keep plugging away and reach out to your friends and let them "do for you" if they can. Trust me they would not extend the offer if they didn't want too. Your quilting is great and that will be what keeps you sane through this ordeal. Take your time, move @ a pace that is comfortable for you and remember your friends need you as much as you need them. Enjoy your day!

  4. I'm glad you are getting out a bit and that things are progressing well. Those Primerose Inn look fantastic!! I have to packs and am thinking of copying ;)

  5. Glad to see that you are venturing out and meeting with friends. It helps to keep your mind and spirit up while going thru physical therapy.

  6. Glad to see you on blogland! Hope your healing goes mighty quick for you!
    Have a Super day!

  7. Hi Kim!!
    So happy to see you on blogland this morning!! If you were closer I'd be swinging by to take you Garage Saling! Have a great day!! Hope to read you soon!

  8. I am glad to hear that you are doing better.Hope PT continues to go well! Take care my friend!



  9. Happy to hear that you are able to do some stitching. It 's nice to see your posting again.

  10. LOOK!!! it's another post from KIM!!! WOO HOO!!!

    i was just gonna bask in the vitamin K for a while and not leave a comment till i'd soaked up some kimshine - but then i saw the word verification and decided it must be kismet or sumpin ... skingeo ... now that HAS to have some kind of hidden meaning - outermost layer of earth ... or a very strange name for the farmer's dog

  11. What pretty quilts you have! I love your color choices, very rich.

  12. I am so glad that you could stitch the quilt. How lovely they both are.
    A speedy recovery to you!

  13. Glad you got out and about Kim and both of your Schnibbles are adorable!
    I got my St. Patrick's Day table topper out that I made last year on your tutorial and it's so cute (not as cute as yours though). Have fun at the Spring Sewing Party. I failed to join in time, but I'm sewing too!

  14. Gran did good, as it sure sounded like you needed that little outing! Here's wishing you more of the same :)

  15. Way to go Gran and way to go Kim- nice to see you out with your stitching friends doing things that you love to do. I am sure that tea and sandwiches were delicious- you California girls do everything up with such panache.
    I kind of like Lindy's rabbit couple - very fun.
    Your quilts look great as always- hope the physio is going well, helping reduce the numbness and making it more comfortable for you.
    Look forward to hearing about what your reading. I am sure you are dreaming up new quilts too.
    Warmest regards,

  16. Glad you got out and about!! Always love schnibbles...and wishing for your recovery soonest.


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