Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This, That, and the Other

I have a couple things to talk about and none of them go together! First, in the news . . .

Here in Sacramento there's an annual football game that takes place around Superbowl time, I think--it's called Guns and Hoses, and it's the police/sheriffs against the firefighters. The money raised goes to some kind of charity, I believe, but sadly I've never been very interested in going to one of the games. (Why? Why don't I want to go see a bunch of hunky-looking, heroic-type men in tights? Am I nuts?!! Note to self: Rethink this Guns and Hoses thing. Talk to Gran, Orcsmom, and Colleen. After all, it's for CHARITY!)

Today the law enforcement team was practicing on the field of a local high school--in fact, it's the high school my kids attended and within a couple miles of my home. As they were practicing, two men ran into the field, chased by a couple of uniformed officers. Yep, you probably guessed it already. The football player cops attempted to stop the running dudes and finally tackled them--turned out they were suspects in an attempted burglary and were trying to escape the uniformed cops. What a great stupid criminal story, huh?! You can see the news story HERE.

Now, on to the quilt stuff. A couple of you have left comments asking about the Valentine's tabletopper, so I thought I'd post some directions. It was super simple to make and probably took less than a weekend from starting it to getting it quilted, bound, and on the table.

I began with three matching charm packs with around 30 squares in each pack. I cut the squares in the first pack to 4-1/4". With the other two packs, I paired up the squares from each and cut them on the diagonal. Simple so far?

For each dark 4-1/4" center square, I paired it with four matching light triangles. For each light 4-1/4" center square, I paired it with four matching dark triangles. I then sewed the triangles (seam on bias edge of triangles) to the center squares and pressed open. I suspect I then trimmed them all a little bit to 6-1/2". For the setting, I arranged the blocks in five rows, five blocks in each row, for a total of 25 blocks. I alternated light center, dark center, etc. I pieced the leftover blocks into the back. Finally, I added a 4-1/4" border. Here's the photo again so you can see what I'm talking about:

When I quilted the topper, I just made free motion hearts in each block--I'm pretty sure we all knew how to draw hearts by the time we were 7 years old, so quilting them free motion is one of the simplest things! I started with a smallish heart in the center of each block and echoed the quilt line around and around until it filled the block--then I stopped the stitch line and moved to the next block.

At the Bearpaws open house yesterday, I mentioned the red and white baskets I was working on and I realized I hadn't posted a photo of my progress--three baskets appliqued; ten to go. Not too bad, I think! So, finally tonight, I thought I'd show you a photo--

If you look, you can probably see how I've used the same basic floral shapes but in different colors and different arrangements--I think this idea is working out pretty well to give the baskets variety without being too different from one another.

Time for bed--thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Love the baskets, the valentine table topper is also nice
    Hugs Janice

  2. I've never been a fan of baskets...till now! I like yours a lot & love the rick rack. Good job!

  3. Kim your basket quilt is just coming along so well.

  4. I love basket blocks, and yours are coming along just beautifully.

  5. I love the baskets. They're very sweet.

  6. Thanks for sharing the directions to your table topper. I just need to get my hands on some more charm packs. I have never been crazy about baskets but, yours are changing my thinking. Cute very cute!

  7. the PIG BOWL?!?! now THAT is funny ... Guns and Hoses?!? even funnier!!!
    Hair Eater's dad is a cop - he'll get a kick outta that one - and it will take the pressure off of finding something to talk to him about other than his Chiefs spanking the pants off my Broncos

    love the baskets - sweet, but not too!

  8. Love, love love those baskets. Pattern coming soon??

  9. And I was just looking at Valentine prints too...thanks Kim! Your baskets are looking gorgeous! I like the way you are keeping the same flowers but using different colours and placement...unifies things...Very clever! I see a new pattern happening here!
    Take care...got to go! I have a new list!

  10. Your baskets are really looking great!! So glad you showed a new picture of them!

  11. LOVE your baskets..they are fabulous! Wish I was closer to take your class!

    Thanks for sharing!


    Elaine in SLO, Ca

  12. OMG....your baskets with the flowers is STUNNING! Such and fun quilt! Love it!!

  13. Wow! Love the red basket quilt. Thanks for sharing your method for doing the charm table topper!

  14. I like the basket handles. Curious. They look like peppermint!

  15. Wow! Your basket blocks are stunning! Really, the nicest I've ever seen. :-) And the table topper is equally as cute!!

    Too funny about the criminals and the football practice! Talk about the wrong place at the wrong time!

  16. Wow! Your basket blocks are stunning! Really, the nicest I've ever seen. :-) And the table topper is equally as cute!!

    Too funny about the criminals and the football practice! Talk about the wrong place at the wrong time!

  17. Love the basket quilt! So cheerful! The table topper is just as cute.

  18. Just love how your baskets are coming together. Will you be making this one into a pattern?

  19. Great Baskets, cute valentine table topper. Nice purchase in previous post. :)

  20. Love the table topper. Now, if only I had ordered 3 charms packs of L'Amour instead of 2! How do you decide how much to order when you are purchasing fabric for no particular pattern???

  21. What stunning baskets l love them and can't wait to see them finished in a quilt.
    Love the table topper also , your such a talented person

  22. What a great table topper and those baskets are a work of art. Great job!

  23. Those baskets are looking mighty fine. :)
    Love the goodies you picked up. I'm going to try and not drool over everything you show....I have goals and dreams and one of them is not to be megged by you and Vicky........I'm just saying.
    I'm going to join Gran in her 10 in 10.

  24. That story is just too funny!

    I love the Valentine table topper and the basket quilt, too. I don't have a basket quilt, although I do have the fabrics and pattern to make one (about 2 years old). Do you still have patterns for the heart quilt you taught last year? I would love to buy one.

    Happy New Year!

  25. The table topper and the baskets are both awesome Kim! You are so creative!

  26. I love that story about the firemen/policemen! And thanks for posting the directions for your table topper. I can't believe it's already time to start thinking Valentine's Day!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!