Monday, January 4, 2010

Bearpaws & Hollyhock's Open House

and Meet the Teachers event was today--

It may be that I'm just suspicious by nature, but sometimes I wonder if Lindy, the shop owner, just holds these things every quarter to lure the teachers into the shop to pre-spend all the money they'll earn teaching!

By the way, I'm blaming Gran for the Rouenneries--I'd been resisting buying this line until she started asking me about a Schnibbles pattern that uses it in the pattern model. And that Miss Rosie pattern? The fabric used in that quilt on the cover was Beach House--which I swear I bought some of when I was in Tahoe, but can I find it now? Maybe I was dreaming? I remember touching it, carrying it around the shop, putting it down, picking it up, and lusting after it, but I wonder whether I finally put it back? Naaaaaaah! It's gotta be here somewhere--I just don't know if I'm looking for charm packs or jelly rolls. Of course, either way, it won't be enough.

I don't know about you--tell me if you do this too. I'll go a couple months without buying any fabric (other than the occasional fat quarter, which doesn't really count, does it?), and then I'll suddenly find myself out of control! I don't suppose there's anything like a stitch regular for fabric shopping, is there? Oh! Did someone say "budget?" Is that a French word? Sorry, I don't understand! (I'm sure glad I didn't make any of those silly New Year's resolutions about fabric buying!)


  1. Yes i also go without buying then i find some bargains & go mad well if we get bargains be it here in the UK or overseas we have to grab them with both hands as we don't get many lol
    Happy New Year
    Hugs Janice

  2. Yes, I'm a "binge" fabric buyer, too. Good to know I'm not alone . . . .

  3. For the first two weeks of every new year customers come into the store, just to look because as they say "I'm not buying anything until I use some of my stash up", by the end of January they've come in just to pick up a fat quarter or two to "finish a project" by February all hell breaks loose and they say "just like my diet I'm gonna break my resolution"... we quilters are funny I just need a road trip to go shopping.

  4. I can behave myself unless I go to a quilt show with vendors or one of my biannual pilgrimages to Keepsake Quilting in New Hampshire. It's 2.5 hrs away so we make a full day of it. We shop, go get lunch, then go back to the store for "just one more thing". Apparently I have the mindset that since I'm there I'd better stock up so I'm not paying shipping. Never mind that I have fabric and projects bought 3 trips ago that I haven't started yet.

    Yes, its a sickness I don't want to heal from!

  5. Your last commenter (Lisa M) is right, and I don't want to be healed either. I haven't been on a good fabric shopping spree in weeks, and I'm thinking there are several things I 'need'!

  6. Yes, I will behave then some how one little purchase leads to another, and another, and the rest is history. By the way... I can see why you endulged! That's a nice little binge and looks most satisfying. Have fun playing and I look forward seeing what comes from it!

  7. ooooooo - those weird looking flower/hearts are pretty doggone cool ... and i see some ME fabric in there ... and lovely red and white polka dots ... and who could resist that green ricrac?

    i filled up a cart at one of the online shops ... i wasn't done shopping ... the total was already six months worth of that french "b" word ... so i abandoned the merchandise - sigh

  8. I honestly try not to make more purchases but gosh darn if those quilt shops don't flaunt the good stuff in your face...then I touch and lose all control. It's easier to online shop and fill up the basket...then abort after I realization of just how much I already have upstairs! Hee!!

  9. I think the New Years resolution about fabric buying should be "if I love it, I'm buying it"!
    I do that too, I'm really good for months and then all of sudden, a hundred dollars later I'm going, "Oh my gosh! what did I do? and how do I hide this???"

  10. Oh, it is soooooo sweet to be around kindred souls - one thing though - I don't remember twisting your arm over the French General fabric and the Schnibbles pattern to go with it - just saying......

    Got ta love yha toots!

  11. I also binge shop on fabric. If I find something that I like I buy it because it will haunt me until I do. The way I see it, I enjoy my fabric so why not get it, never mind all that I already have. I also bought the Summer Rental pattern, and then went shopping around until I got all that I needed for the quilt. Just love that material and pattern.

  12. Ha Ha! I do exactly the same as you. I think I am being good and then BAM totally out of control. I am glad I am not the only one.

  13. You must be reading my mind. My group recently discussed NOT buying anything, then we turned around a week or two later and are planning a road trip to one of our favorite quilt stores....but after more buying.......for awhile........maybe.....LOL

  14. Yes Kim, I have that addiction. Every so often (like every couple of months) I need to find a LQS and stroke some fabric, smell the chemicals and bring a little bit home. I mean even though my stash bins are bulging, you just never know when you might need that extra 2 yards of something for a border, right? RIGHT??


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!