Thursday, December 24, 2009


Not quite "metamorphosis" but partly there. And what am I talking about?

I've mentioned before that I'm not a "girly girl." I'm not into shopping, clothes, make-up, hair. I quilt. I hang around with quilters. Not that quilters are the antitheses of "girly girls"--I'm sure plenty of us like to shop, get dressed up, put on make-up, and mess around with our hair. But when I hang with my home gals, we're quilting; we're not shopping.

Women learn from one another. I know that from quilting. But because I don't do girly-girl things with my girlfriends, I don't often learn about the girl stuff. BUT--shopping with my coworkers in San Francisco a couple weeks ago was a different story. Shopping with girlfriends NOT at quilt shops is something I probably should do more often. Not that shopping in SF was a hugh epiphany, mind you, but sometimes it's the little things that can give you a different perspective. Like when one of the ladies gave me her scarf to wear when I was freezing my patotie off.

Who knew scarves could be so warm? Okay, yes, I DO realize most people know, but oddly enough, I didn't--because I don't like to fuss with accessories, and besides, my neck is about a half an inch long--why would I need a scarf? But now?! Oh, I haven't exactly gone out and bought enough scarves to clothe a giraffe in style, but I have bought two--one black and one white. And now I kind of keep an eye out for scarves when I'm in department stores. Weird.

Then there's color. I wear a lot of black with a couple other colors thrown into the mix. Like gray. Denim blue. Or red sometimes if I'm feeling wild. And maybe it's just rebellion against the gray days of winter, but recently I've purchased a few things in more vibrant colors. Like hot pink. And purple. Don't worry--it's not like I'm going to run out and buy hot pink slacks--I haven't completely lost my mind! But mixing in some brighter colors in shirts and tops is kind of fun.

And you know what I did today?

S-P-A Ped-I-Cure: As I see it, it's a cure for ho-hum feet. Look at that hot pink polish! Maybe I'll do my fingernails too. Wouldn't THAT be wild and daring?! Do you think it's mid-life crisis? Winter blahs? A change in attitude? Well, whatever it is, it's kind of fun!

Now, on to something more interesting than moi: a winner for the Frosted Windowpanes pattern. This time the random number picker (aka Hubby) picked #3, which happens to be Marls. Marls, email me your snail mail address and I'll get it in the mail to you next week. Soon I hope to make the Schnibbles pattern I mentioned, and I'll have another pattern giveaway then, so watch for it!

Another thing about the giveaway--I was quite surprised to see how many of you mentioned birthdays in the comments. My sincere birthday wishes go out to all of you--I just wish I had more patterns to give you! I know it must be hard to have a birthday so close to Christmas, but I hope you've all enjoyed your special day. Boy Boss's birthday is on December 29th, and it's a little bit hard for me to think past Christmas, but luckily we've established a bit of a tradition where I bring him homemade tamales for his birthday each year. So that's what I'll be doing this weekend--making tamales.

Christmas eve is here, and I wish you all the peace and joy of the season. As for me, I'm thinking about how surprised Santa's going to be when he sees my hot pink toe nails!


  1. Had to laugh as yesterday Dave and I were walking our 2 miles at the mall and, on the spur of the moment, we stopped in to have maincures. It was Dave's first one. You would have thought they were lopping off his fingers, lol. Now if I can talk him into a pedicure....You dress like me, I like dark colors with an occasional pastel, and very rarely a red. And t-shirts and jeans are my uniform.

  2. Hot pink polish and *gasp* scarves! You are turning into a wild woman! And ugh...birthdays! Mine is the day after Christmas...not thinking about it...not thinking about it...not...!

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours :)

  4. Merry Christmas happy Chick...why happy Chick...cause happy chicks paint their nails, wear scarfs and have fun...

  5. Awesome, your ahead of me in that toenail polish department. Guess it would cure the winter blahs. What's the name of the Schnibbles pattern you bought? I recently bought all the new Schnibbles patterns. I would check everyday anxiously awaiting when they would be available at FQS. I'm clueless about scarfs too because I also live in a warm climate being here in Phoenix AZ.

  6. Season's Blessings to you Kim...thanks for all the cheer you bring to us all! Zel

  7. You wild woman, you! Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!!

  8. You Go Gal! Girly shopping is so much fun.
    I could not believe when reading your post that suddenly I was reading my name. I am so excited to win -a Christmas treat. Tank you sooooooo much.

  9. I just recently started reading your blog and I just wanted to tell you how much i enjoy it. you are funny and fun. Love the christmas party story, i think i'd like to work there, a fun bunch it sounds like. enjoy your new scarves, pink nail polish and have a wonderful christmas.

  10. So pink it is - good on you :0)

    Happy Christmas Eve

  11. I'd wear black and dark colors too, except my girls shame me into going outside my box! Try acrylic nails to go with those painted toenails. Merry Christmas!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!