Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cat Tales, Etc.

Only two days until Christmas. Are you ready?

Hubby and I went out to enjoy a nice dinner tonight, just the two of us, at our favorite Italian place and to pick up a last gift card. Now we're back home, and it's time to put on some Christmas music, make a cup of hot chocolate, and do a little holiday baking. Things are falling into place and the rush is starting to slow down a bit.

Even the two cats have finally settled into a tentative friendship. Hubby said they played tag much of the day, chasing one another through the house. As Stitch gets older, he's starting to really develop a personality. One of his favorite things is to read blogs!

Whose blog is that? I know I have another photo of him reading Carol's Crafty Creations; maybe that's still Carol's blog. No, he's not actually reading, but he DOES love to watch the cursor move on the screen. Taking a photo this close made his fur look kind of funny, didn't it?

One of Spike's favorite attention-getting tricks is to open the kitchen drawer and pull out all the dish towels. Sometimes, once she's emptied the drawer, she'll crawl in for a little nap. Stinker!

Stitch is quite mischevious and most of his day (and night) is spent playing--here he has one of his purple Roos. They were free with the type of hairspray I use and I collected several before Stitch came along. They're just the right size and weight for him to toss them up in the air, run after them, and then wrestle them into submission.

But when he's not playing, he's a little love bug--cuddling is one of his favorite things, and most mornings I wake to find him cuddled up next to me in bed, either on my pillow, or against my arm or side. He doesn't like to be alone and will follow us from room to room. We let him outside in the backyard the other day for the first time, when Hubby was out there sweeping up some leaves, and what an adventure he had!

Well enough procrastination! It's time to change into "play clothes" and head to the kitchen to bake. I hope your holiday plans are coming together!


  1. every time I see a picture of Stitch I start thinking about kittens again -- what a doll! I don't think my bug orange guy (age 11+) would approve though.

  2. I agree with you Kim, things are starting to slow down, in regards to the holiday. Stitch is adorable and really has a cute personality! Hope you and hubby and family have a wonderful Christmas!! See ya soon!


  3. How dull a home would be without our cats. It's a nice feeling when the frenzy ebbs isn't it?
    Today I have a box loaded up with lunch and goodies to take to my parents to spend a relaxing day.
    Wishing you and yours a Blessed

  4. The cats are cute!!! Sometimes I want a cat, but my dog wouldn't like it. But he's old and maybe when he is no longer here, I will get a puppy and a cat at the same tiime so they can grow up together.

  5. Oh, you make me wish I had a cat. But then what about all the birds out side that we love to watch. So glad the two have learned to exsist together. Merry Christmas Kim!!

  6. My kids use to claim I was the only mom who made her kids put on "play clotes" after school. Stitch; I love the name, makes me want a cat but my SO tells me were dog people...say what? Enjoy your holidays!

  7. Kitty photos always keep me smiling and yours no exception. My day begins with a smile here!

  8. Oh my Kim, I'm not ready. At least you can laugh at your little kitties. Very cute pictures.
    Merry Christmas!

  9. Stitch is getting so big! I'm not quite ready but I'm getting there. :)

  10. Almost done too.... some last minute things, but yay, finally might be able to enjoy the holiday! Your cats are beautiful. Gotta love a cat who thinks a drawer is comfortable :o)

  11. I love your cats and have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed one!

  12. I am still laughing at spike in the drawer. I have never seen a cat do that, on the other hand my dish towels have all been in a higher drawer. Your pets are a treat to read about. I love the name "play clothes." Never heard of that either. I think I will adopt that name for my cooking/baking clothes. Our holiday plans are coming together and peace is settling over the house along with yummy aromas from the kitchen.


  13. oh those kitty babies are soooooooooooooo cute!!! do yours leave your tree alone? Mine are pretty good with the tree, but they don't like the presents under it because they want to nap on the tree skirt!

  14. I have a Spike cat too. Please keep your Spike away from my Spike. My Spike has enough naughty tricks of his own!

  15. Cats are pretty funny. I have dogs which are fun too but I think cats have different attitudes. There's a outside cat that lives across the street from us, he likes to come over to our front yard and tease the dogs. Thanks Stitch for reading my blog. Love your other kitty who cuddles in the drawer, cute.


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