Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Remember this guy?

Stitch has actually gotten a bit larger since I took that photo--I need to take a couple new photos. In any event, we continue to have fun with him although we still have a few problems with our older cat--they still aren't best buds by any stretch of the imagination. In order to protect himself at night, Stitch has taken to sleeping with us, and usually seeks out the space between our pillows to burrow himself into--it's obviously safe there from the large mean cat and the two larger humans who might roll over on him!

And sometimes at night, Stitch is still quite playful when it's time to sleep--he particularly likes to jump on us, claws out for the best leverage and/or startle/scream factor. Sometimes I give him a toy to play with, or sometimes he likes to play with my braid--my hair is quite long, and I sleep with it in a braid. As long as he has something to keep him busy, he tends not to dive bomb us too much, and before long, he'll settle down and go to sleep.

This morning I got up and went about my normal morning routine, which always involves coffee and computer time before I start getting ready for work. When I returned to our bedroom to get ready, I noticed a lock of hair on the bathroom rug. "What the . . . ? That looks like MY hair!," I thought. I bent over and picked it up, and then I pulled my braid forward to compare--and another lock of hair fell off my braid, much the same as the first--two 4" lengths of hair!

So as near as I can figure, apparently Stitch eats hair. (Lord knows what happened to the rubberband that was on the end of the braid!) This kind of gives new meaning to "hairball," doesn't it? Sure, I've had cats play with my braid in the past, but none has ever tried to EAT it--until now. I'm kind of afraid to go to sleep tonight. I think I need to wear something on my head to protect my hair from hungry kittens. I don't know . . . I'm thinking maybe THIS might be a good bedtime look for me.

What do you think?


  1. LOL you could whip that whole outfit up in red/white stripes to go with your peppermint theme!!!

  2. LOL.... funny kitty! He sure is cute. Ah well.... homemade haircut :o)

  3. Oops not the smartest idea you've ever had Stitch!!!

  4. be afraid ... be VERY afraid!

    one of my favorite 2-year-old boys eats hair - it is a disgusting habit for humans - he doesn't cough up hairballs but he DOES... well ... never mind ... i'll leave it to your imagination how it all works it's way out in the end ... so to speak...

  5. Kim, you will just have to make him pull out the grey ones. What a cat. I think that night cap would be ideal . Give him something else to chew on.

  6. Say you could wrap your hair with TP, well, then again not. I like the Mama in her cap routine. Oh, Kim - you make me laugh. Please keep us up to date on this very hairy matter.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!