Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Can't Get Off!

Remember when we were kids back in the 50s and everyone had a train that went around the bottom of their Christmas tree? Well, actually, our family never did, but I saw it on just about every Christmas movie made during that era (not to mention the fact that at 29 years of age, I'm MUCH, MUCH too young to know anything about the 50s!).

So anyway, I was thinking on my drive home from work tonight that around this time of the year, I feel like I'm a passenger on one of those trains just going around and around in circles. My days seem to consist of a never-ending loop of JoAnn's, Michael's, the grocery store, JoAnn's, Michael's, the grocery store. Despite having gone grocery shopping on Friday night and thinking there wasn't anything else I could possibly need between then and the day after Thanksgiving, guess what? I spent more quality time tonight in the grocery store, racking up another triple-digit grocery bill. On what?! Sheesh! And during my lunch hour? JoAnn's, yet again, hoping to find silicone-dipped light bulbs but coming up empty--except for that bag I hauled out with me of stuff I didn't know I needed until I saw it. ARGH!

This snowman toy was one of those things I didn't know I needed. An obvious impulse buy. He reminds me of childhood toys--you push on the bottom and he collapses forward. Hours and hours of entertainment, particularly on whatever night I decide to try that Red Christmas Glog I've been "aging" in a large container in the kitchen. Ah, and this brings me to tonight's crafty activities. Remember the bottle brush trees I bleached? (Fun with chemicals!) Tonight I glittered them by painting glue on the brush tips and rolling them in micca glitter--micca is that old-fashioned looking glitter that comes in flakes. I bought a baggie on eBay or Etsy last year, and having no idea about the weight/volume ratio of micca glitter when I ordered it, I didn't realize I would be getting enough micca to glitter the Sacramento skyline. I foresee a lot of trees and other glittery goodies in my future!

Kind of cool, though, huh? The last step will be adding "ornaments" to the trees. See the red "ball" poking in on the left side of the photo? I think that will be one of them--I've been looking for something appropriate and I think these are it. And my other little project tonight? Finishing up the bon bon bags I mentioned the other day. Now I have that cute little original stitchery version as well as four holly leaf and berry versions.

Seriously, I have a whole design wall I've pinned "containers" on; now I need to come up with stuff to fill them.

Finally--are you still with me?--the winner of the Bon Bon pattern is . . . Anonymous (aka Zel)! Hubby picked number 21, and that turned out to be Zelda's entry. Please send me your snail mail address, Zelda, and I'll get the pattern in the mail to you! (If anyone else wants info about the pattern, it's called Christmas Bon Bon by Australian designer Hatched and Patched. If you're here in the Sacramento area, Bearpaws & Hollyhocks carries it--or if you're outside the area, you can call the shop and arrange to order it from them.)

Thanks for stopping by to visit! See you again soon!


  1. I'd leave those cute sparkly tree the way they are. The snowman is really a cutie.

  2. I know, the train is circling here, too. Wal Mart at the crack of dawn on Saturday for ALL of the Thanksgiving food. Except that their shipment of turkeys had not arrived, so Wal Mart again on Sunday morning for the turkey PLUS several bags more of stuff. On the way home, Michael's. Then Michael's again last night. After I got home, I realized: 1) I'd forgotten an item at Michael's and 2) we are still missing a food item for Thanksgiving!!!!! ARGGGHHHHH. And YES, I shop with a LIST. How is this possible?!??

  3. I keep a Thanksgiving dinner shopping list on the computer, but as I shopped this year I realized there were things not on it. What a pain. I love your trees. And yes, I remember the 50s, even though I can't possibly be old enough.

  4. I've been riding the same train as I get ready for a party. LOL

    I've searched high and low for bottle brush trees in my area and can't seem to find them. I don't suppose you'd do a little shopping for me???? I'd really love you lots if you would. :-)

  5. Congratulations Zelda! Cute new bags Kim! I love bottle brush trees too, but haven't bleached any~ ;)

  6. You know, I feel the same train merry go round about gifts...I have the same ideas each year for the same people! I need a train derailment!

  7. Kim, I laughed during the entire first half of your post. I'm on that train too...went shopping AGAIN today, spent eighty-something bucks, after I spent triple-digits yesterday and forgot ONE item! Ugh!

    The trees are sooo pretty. I'm working on a Martha-candle-epsom salts project from the December issue of Living...I think I'll have enough epsom salts to last for hundreds of "snow" covered candles! Seriously, you can only buy a huge box of that stuff.

  8. Your trees and Bon Bon bags are wonderful. Amazing and talented are you. Hooray Zelda! you will love to make up the Bon Bon bag.

    You have awakened the Christmas spirit in me this year. Thanks!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!