Sunday, November 29, 2009

Still Waiting for the Magic

Still sick. ARGH! I've been trying to do a few things here and there, but it's at a snail's pace--I should be ready for Christmas by Easter at this rate. Again, I'd just like to say, "ARGH!"

In the meantime, speaking of magic, a woman in Massachusetts was doing her laundry and noticed Jesus on her iron (although I kind of think it looks more like the Mona Lisa):

Here's the caption that went with the published photos: "In this photo taken Monday, Nov. 23, 2009 residue is seen on the bottom of an electric iron at the home of Mary Jo Coady, in Methuen, Mass. Coady says an image of Jesus Christ that she sees in the pattern on the bottom of the iron, which she first noticed on Sunday, has reassured her that 'life is going to be good."

I read a little further about Ms. Coady and found that she's not a full-blown wackadoodle: For instance, she's not putting her iron on display for the faithful to come see and worship. From what I've read, she just sees the image and its resemblance to Jesus as a bit of good luck--kind of like finding a four-leaf clover. But I still have to wonder--why alert the media?

Oh, and speaking of the media, I'm sure you've all heard the story about Tiger Wood's car crash early Friday morning. While we don't know what led up to the accident, the media has questioned why Tiger was driving away from his home in the wee hours of the morning. What I don't get though, is what's the mystery? Hello!? Don't they realize it was Black Friday and Tiger was probably heading out to get in line at WalMart for some good bargains? Cut the guy some slack! Geez!

Time for me to go chug down some Nyquil and go to bed. Thanks for stopping by to cheer up the sickie!


  1. That's one reason I had not heard for Tiger's leaving the house at 2 AM Fri. morning.I thought the best one was leaving to get formula for the baby.

    Please get feeling better.

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon! considerate of you to get sick on a holiday need to take sick leave from work......!

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon, so you can get back to work! I'm sure you miss it.

  4. hang in there sweetie. I agree it does seem to look more like Mona Lisa, but seriously, if she used some of that good goo gone stuff she could wipe that gunk right off and not have to alert the media at all!

  5. OK, I'm in Massachusetts and didn't hear a thing about the iron! WOW..where have I been? Oh, ya..working, chores, having fun the the college kid! No tv this weekend!
    Hope your feeling better soon!

  6. Kim, take it easy today and get plenty of rest. And the mystery solved made me laugh...too funny!

  7. leave it to me to look at the picture before i read the words ... at first glance i thought Kim has an old iron - and it needs to be cleaned ... and then i thought that sure does look like the Mona Lisa - maybe Kim shouldn't clean her iron cuz that's kinda cool ..... but even after reading the words i still do not see Jesus ... i'm with Greenmare - the woman needs to clean her iron ... seriously ... now feel better!

  8. Sheesh, Kim, if there is one thing I learned in my working life it's that you ONLY get sick during the week ~NEVER, repeat, NEVER on the weekend!
    So now you have to stay sick over Monday and Tuesday to get even for the weekend....and if you really are sick on Monday and Tuesday then you have to 'stay' sick on Wednesday and you see how this works? Now get better so that you can have a 'weekend'! (Can't wait to tell my husband why Tiger was leaving his home in the wee hours of the it!)
    Take care and get better fast!

  9. Kim, bless your heart....even sick, you are still very funny. The stuff you're swilling down should do the trick or at least you're be so out of it that it won't matter....hehehehehe....sorry, a bit of humor on my well, my friend.

  10. That iron looks more like she's been doing the nylon on a Cotton setting to me? Janey, if I saw Jesus every time I scorched the ironing I could have set up a holy grotto by now!

  11. I like your take on the Tiger Woods scenario. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  12. I love your spin on poor Tiger! I have got to use that one! You are too funny!


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