Saturday, November 28, 2009


The magic that was support to happen today? Didn't. I woke up with Hubby's crud.

The sleeping in? That didn't happen either. I woke up before 7 a.m. with a fever.

The organized chaos? Just chaos. I herded up the pumpkins. The unlucky ones went into the garbage. The lucky ones await execution in the garage, perhaps not realizing their eventual fate. I took down and sorted the fall quilts--some into the laundry, and some folded to be put away. I washed our bedding (but am still working up the energy to put it back on the bed). That was the extent of the magic.

Then I slept. Then I coughed and coughed and coughed. Then I drank liquids, microwaved and ate some leftovers, drank some more liquids, took some medicine, and folded and glued a Martha Stewart paper train and train station. Then I sprayed the train cars, the train station, and my hands with glue and glittered everything. My hands turned out really pretty. Do I know how to have a good time, or what?

I wish Hubby hadn't been kind enough to share his bug with me. I have too much to do. Why can't they move the cold and flu season to a slower time of the year?


  1. Kim, get well soon! I got sick on Thanksgiving a few years ago and I swear it's from all the stress and business this time of year. We women run ourselves so hard. What's this I'm always hearing about Thanksgiving being about football and beer? For men maybe! For us, it's a darn lot of work! But it tastes sooo good. :)

  2. Take care of yourself and get well soon. I know you have a lot to do, but it will wait until you're better.

  3. I know how you feel. I Have had that dang cough for 5 weeks and per my doctor, it should be around another 5-6 weeks!!!! My chest and head are sore from the coughing! Hang in there. And please, take a picture of your glittered hands, I would have loved to see them!!



  4. I hope you feel better really soon! Will there be a beauty tip on glittered hands? Inquiring minds were wondering........

  5. Hope you feel better soon..loved to see a pic of the glittered train and hands!

  6. Hmmm, another bare naked picture coming? Or do glittered hands make it a non naked picture? Hope you feel better soon. I've so far avoided the crud but you never know!!!
    Lurking Linda

  7. Hmmm, another bare naked picture coming? Or do glittered hands make it a non naked picture? Hope you feel better soon. I've so far avoided the crud but you never know!!!
    Lurking Linda

  8. Hope you feel better soon! This is the time of year when it is hard to get rid of a cold or flu.

  9. Hope that you are feeling better soon. Don't push yourself too hard even though you want to get things done- your body will want to rest - Find a good book and wrap yourself in one of your beautiful quilts - Warm tea or toddy or whatever you enjoy having to drink
    Take care of yourself.
    Warmest regards,

  10. Funny! Sorry you're still sick, though. Hey, I love the new look- holiday polka dots!!

  11. Hey Kim I hope you feel better soon - the cough thing I just got over and it lasted for 3 weeks...I have asthma so that is why I coughed so long - hope it is not the same for you! I even got the flu shot in Sept! Loved reading your posts, Hugs,Mary


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