Thursday, November 5, 2009

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .

I've been busy lately, getting ready for my next class, which is scheduled for this Saturday at Bearpaws and Hollyhocks, from 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wanna come? It's called Kim's Kristmas Klass--it was only after the shop newsletter was published that I realized the class acronym was a bit . . . uh . . . unfortunate?! Oh well! We're going to have fun, whatever the class is called!

I've put together a booklet of a TON of Christmas quilting projects, gift projects, decorating ideas, and even recipes; some are from friends, some are from the internet, and some are from my very own gray matter. I hope my students have a good time!

Of my own devising and designing, I've included patterns for the Homespun Thanksgiving quilt, the Peppermint Dreams quilt, peppermint coasters/ornaments, placemats, tote bag, . . . well, there are a couple other little treats, too, but they're a surprise. One way or another, there will be plenty to do. And I'm hoping my students will bring Christmas ideas and suggestions to share too! (As well as some completed show and tell--hint, hint!)

Have you ever had Trader Joe's cream cheese/pesto/sundried tomato torta? A friend made something similar and brought it to the office the other day, so I pried the recipe from her and I've prepared a batch for class. I'll also be bringing Paula Deen's taco soup in a crockpot. Yum!

Happily, I can say that I'm nearly done with my preparations. I don't know whether the class is filled or not, but one thing I HAVE learned from teaching this past year is that class attendance changes considerably over the final week or so before a class. People realize a class conflicts with their favorite niece's wedding and they need to cancel, or they decide to duck out of the company picnic and come to class instead--a quilt class roster is a very flexible thing. But if you're here in the Sacramento area or not too far away and are interested in taking this class, please give Bearpaws & Hollyhocks a call and ask if there's room--I'd love to see you!

And for those of you already signed up for class, if you don't have any dinner plans on Saturday and are interested in joining me at the Green Jade, I'd love it! Hubby is playing poker, so I'm free to kick up my heels--or I would be if I could muster the energy after class. I know I'm more likely to go home and soak in a hot bubblebath, put on my jammies, and go to bed with a good book, but a girl's gotta eat first, so I'm planning to head to the Green Jade and enjoy an order of lemon chicken. Yum!


  1. Gee, send me a ticket and I'll join you. Never had some of that food you are talking about. Enjoy the day.

  2. Are you going to sell copies of your class booklet to us East Coasters? Love to have one.

  3. you are making me want to move to Sacramento ... no - wait ... let me go back to those posts about 100+ temps for a sec ...... nah - i'll just live vicariously through your blog, i guess (although - the one thing about heat is that you don't have to shovel it .. hmmmm)

  4. *whine* Why do you have to teach so far away? */whine* Have an awesome class!! Sounds so fun!

  5. Looking forward to class Saturday. Are you sure I can't bring anything? As for projecs to share, I really don't have anything done. I always like to wait until the last minute. See ya Saturday!


  6. Would love it if you would put the peppermint dreams quilt in your tutorial column. Want to make it for a christmas present. Thanks, Sheila

  7. Have fun! Can't wait to hear how the class went.

  8. That class sounds like an awesome class! I wish I was able to go :-(

  9. I so hope you will do a tutorial on the Peppermint Dreams quilt--hint, hint. I simply can't get there from CT for this weekend; or any other weekend for that matter. (tears flowing down cheeks)

  10. Oh, Boy! I can hardly wait!!!!!!
    I am in for Green Jade - can't wait to order lemon chicken.

  11. It's a long way from the UK to Sacramento, not to mention the cost of the transatlantic flights, otherwise I'd be there.

    Can I add my voice to those asking for a Peppermint Dream tutorial? Please?

    I hope you and your students all have a wonderful day.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!