Monday, September 7, 2009

Preparation . . .

Much of today was spent getting ready for the week to come and I'm now as ready as I possibly can be for the class I'm teaching on Saturday. I'll just need to do a couple little things when I get home from camp on Friday.

Once I had everything ready for class, I wasn't sure how I wanted to spend the rest of the day. I finally decided, though, that my time would best be spent in getting a head start on cutting fabrics for the main project I want to work on at camp:

There's really a TON of applique to be done on this quilt, so I'm not sure how far I'll get at camp, but I've cut and prepared what I could, and that means--besides having less to fuss with once I'm AT camp--I didn't have to pack up quite as much.

I don't leave for camp until early afternoon. I think in the morning I'll get one or two other things ready to take with me because I anticipate that appliqueing will get kind of old after awhile and I'll want to do a little piecing now and then.

I always seem to take more than I'll need, though, because I forget that sometimes it's nice to just sit and look at the lake.

"See" you when I get home!


  1. Have a great week.....looking forward to hearing all about it. :)

  2. What a view. Wouldn't be hard to just stay there. Have a fun week. That is some quilt you're going to be working on. Nice to get a head start on it.

  3. Oh I so envy you....have a great time.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful week ahead. Have a productive, relaxing time.

  5. Have a great time, Kim! I'll be slogging away in my classroom with a brand-new group of 25 kindergartners. Quilt camp definitely sounds like more fun!!!

  6. Kim Have a great time Sharon Mac

  7. Have a great time Kim. Ca't wait to see what you share with us.

  8. I am SOOOOOOO jealous!!! I hope you have the best time ever. What a beautiful quilt to work on while you're there!
    We'll miss the daily blog, but I guess we'll survive. Have fun!

  9. Have a wonderful time at camp! I am going to miss you as your blog is always waiting for me when I get up-like a good cup of coffee....!Take care and have fun!
    Happy quilting!

  10. Kim,
    Hope you have a wonderful time at camp. I absolutely love this quilt, and if I ever decide to start quilting (Remember I have that horse I started on...the one I need to finish) I would love to learn how to do this one. Great colors....Love ya! Mumzie

    PS: Give the Hubby a hug for me.

  11. Have a wonderful time working on this beautiful quilt :o)

  12. Ohhh look at that view! Its so serene.

    Have fun at camp.

  13. I bought that pattern this weekend. Looking at YOU for inspiration! Have a grand time at camp! Take lots and lots of pictures!

  14. Well, you are up at camp, having fun and working away on one of your projects. The picture you show of Lake Tahoe is enough for me to imagine I am sitting there, embroidery in hand and laughing at life and then having some quite time too. I wish you lots of laughter, quilting and peaceful quiet. Not to mention some good eating too. I have never been to camp, yet, it seems from what I have heard it is all of those things.

    Hoping you are keeping out of trouble.....

    Sew long.


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