Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Goodbye, Goodbye!

I'm all packed and ready to go to camp. Thank you everyone for all the well wishes. I know this will be fun!

I've checked Tahoe weather, and it's supposed to be in the high-70s to mid-80s much of the time we're there, with cool temperatures at night. This is a hard time of the year to pack for Tahoe because there's such a fluctuation in temperature, but I know it will be lovely.

I'm not sure I have enough stuff. Have I forgotten anything? That pile in the photo just doesn't look big enough, does it? Well, it will have to do. I went out this a.m. and bought that boom box because I thought it would be fun to take some books on tape/books on CDs along with me. Chances are I won't even listen to them, but at least I have them! A couple books and magazines are also packed as well as a few snacks. They feed us awfully well, but meals are on a schedule, and if you miss one, you have to wait until the next--and I thought it was possible I might miss breakfast once or twice if I decide to sleep in. I've put a memory card in my camera, so I should have enough room for all the photos I want to take.

I think I'm ready! Goodbye! "See" you Friday night/Saturday morning!


  1. You will be missed. Already as there is not good night from you. Hurry home but get a lot done. Even if it's sleeping.

  2. Have a good time!! Hopefully that big white thing in the photo is your sewing machine? If so, it looks like you have everything you need...

    My retreats don't allow music or books unless we have an ear piece..
    one year we had lady bring her small tv with ear pieces so she could watch the baseball game...

  3. Oh, I am so envious. It's been over a year since I have been to a quilt retreat. Have a wonderful time!

  4. Kimmy, I hope you take some more nude self protraits...perhaps some knees! LOL :0 Mumzie

  5. Have a wonderful time! I have never been on a quilt retreat....sigh...maybe next year!
    Sounds fun!

  6. Last time I was visiting Lake Tahoe it snowed and it was late spring early summer. Have lots of fun and take tons of pictures.

  7. Have lots of fun and tell us all about it!

  8. Have a great time!
    I'm off to my guild retreat on Thursday afternoon and I can't wait!

  9. So jealous. Have a wonderful time!

  10. Have agreat time up there... I'm sure it will be beautiful! and of course, fun:)


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