Saturday, September 19, 2009

It's a Mystery

Each year, usually in the fall, my firm has an "event"--somewhat similar, I suppose, to the more typical "company picnic"--but different. One of the differences is that whatever it is is always a mystery until the day of the event or--for some of us who are pretty good guessers--perhaps the day before.

On the day before the event, we receive shirts bearing some kind of illustration or art work that hints at what the event will involve. Last year, we had a 1960s Monte Carlo night at a local country club, and the T-shirts had cards and dice on them--although on that occasion, wearing those particular shirts wasn't part of the event; instead, we were to dress in 1960s formal attire. Hubby and I didn't make it to that one.

It seems that more often than not, we don't make the event. There have been several years when the event fell on the same weekend as my guild's annual quilt show in October, and I'd already committed to work the show. Other years, when our kids were still at home, we had soccer games and tournaments to attend. And sometimes, we've planned to attend but something happened at the last minute to prevent our going. Every few years, though, we've managed to go, and it's always been a fun but exhausting day!

Tomorrow (Saturday) is this year's annual event. And I think we're going.

That photo at the top is what's on this year's shirts--which, by the way, are polo-type shirts.

See the racing flags? We think those might represent kart racing. We've been told we'll be loaded onto a bus and will be traveling no more than an hour from the office. An internet map program shows that Infineon Raceway in Sonoma is 1 hour and 12 minutes away, and apparently Infineon Raceway has kart lessons and racing this weekend. Someone else, though, thinks we'll go to a local indoor go-cart raceway. Also a possibility.

See the wine glass? Sonoma is a huge wine-producing area. Wineries make great places to visit. Most of us figure a winery is involved. Up to this point in the clues, my money's on Sonoma.

See the Egyptian lions? No idea what those might represent. And the curved calipers (or maybe ice tongs)? Notta clue. And I can't find anything in the Sonoma area that might fit those images. So maybe it's not Sonoma. Hummmmm.

So, tomorrow morning we have to get up earlier than we do on a work day and be at the office by 8:30 a.m. We'll be brought back to the office by 9 p.m. tomorrow night. I don't know if I'll be able to muster the energy to write a blog post tomorrow night, but I'm planning to take my camera and I should have a post about the event for you sometime this weekend--just don't hold me to writing a post tomorrow night when I get home.

Oh, and the one thing that might keep us from going THIS year? Both Hubby and I have been feeling like we're coming down with colds. I'm hoping it's just allergies, but we'll probably know better in the morning. In the meantime, tonight I'm taking a nice bath and going to bed early with a good book. Either way--event or cold--I'm going to need a good night's sleep!


  1. Have a great time & hope that your not coming down with anything you take care
    Hugs Janice

  2. It sounds like you have an exciting day ahead. Stay well and go have fun.

  3. Oh, I can't wait to see where you ended up. Hope you have a fun time! :)

  4. Calipers like you show are used to measure something like in sculpting. Use the large end to measure the length of a forearm and then flip it over and use the smaller end to reduce the length proportionally. Does anything that takes measuring lay within your radius?

    Hope you feel better.

  5. Oh...I bet I know where! I'm anxious to see if my guess is correct.

  6. Oh I hope you're not getting sick and are able to go on the mystery trip!

  7. Hope you get to go! With all those ideas, you will have a grand time!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!