Saturday, September 12, 2009

Home Again!

I'm home again! Did you miss me? It's late and I have a class to teach tomorrow, so I need to get to bed, but I wanted to show you around quilt camp a little bit tonight.

This is the building we spent most of our time in--our rooms were here as was the large sewing room; our group also had a smaller sewing room in the building to the left of this building, housed near the cafeteria. Our sewing room and my bedroom were on the first floor; the main entrance is on the second floor.

This is a fairly grainy photo of my room--of course, the view from the room is the real star anyway! I had to lighten the photo to show a bit of the room, but THIS is the view I woke up to each morning--and enjoyed nearly every afternoon when I took a little nap or relaxed and read a book.

Here's a view of the lake from the large sewing room. I'll show you more photos of this room tomorrow, but I wanted you to see where we toiled away the days. (Most of us had to stack two chairs together to get the necessary height to sew on these tables, although some smart campers brought sewing tables and/or their own adjustable chairs.)

And when we worked up an appetite? We headed to the cafeteria where we were served breakfast (8 a.m.), lunch (noon), and dinner (6 p.m.) each day. It's funny how quickly a person can get used to eating at regular times--something that NEVER happens at home! It's also quite easy to get used to someone cooking each and every meal as well--I'm going to miss that! And? The cafeteria had the same wonderful view of the lake.

And you know what else? Sunsets on the lake weren't too bad either!

I'll tell you more about camp tomorrow! Right now? I'm REALLY looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, even if it DOESN'T have a wonderful lake view! There's no place like home . . . .


Searchfamilies said...

Well I missed you i check your blog most days.
The camp looks lovely not a bad place to go on holiday even if you didn't quilt but to work with scenic view like that make you want to do more glad you had a good time & hope you got a good nights rest in your own bed
Hugs Janice

Unknown said...

Thank You for those wonderful pictures. Looks like a great place for a retreat. Sure glad you are homew though, I missed you.

ladmquilter said...

Beautiful camp. I am jealous where is it at? I am going to a quilting retreat in 4 weeks I can't wait you are making me wish it were now. Have a great time. Love your pictures.

dianne said...

miss you? oh ... were you gone? (snicker) ha ha ha!

yeah - i'd say we missed you - i went back to the beginning of your blog and started reading - i made my way through the first four months...

anywho ... feel free to go away for rejuvenation any time you feel the need - but find a place with internet access next time - i just don't feel good about the day unless i get my vitamin K (i know, i know - i'm a selfish bee-otch)

Kim said...

I kept saying when does friday come..and what friday did she mean exactly...LOL
Looks like fun.. Congrats on your win...!!!!!!!!!!!

Micki said...

I enjoy reading your posts a lot. I am so happy that you loved your mini break away.

Anonymous said...

I love the view! Three meals a day served up by someone else is always a good thing. I'm not sure about sitting on those double decker chairs though! I hope you'll show some projects you worked on too.

Millie said...

Welcome home and thank you for sharing these great pictures.

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

Ah, you are back. Missed you and can hardly wait to see you.

Life is good, just read your blog, and there is good TV tonight (MI-5) and time to embroider.

How was your class today? I bet every single quilter was delighted to be with you. You are so much fun.

Welcome back!