Thursday, August 20, 2009


We have a winner for the Box O' Kim's Big Quilting Adventure Sweat Shop Scraps! Woo-hoo! (And don't worry--I have another box waiting for the winner of the 300,000 contest--if you haven't entered that one, please visit yesterday's post--you have until Thursday night to make your guess before I close comments!)

Anyway, the winner of the scrap box? Ms. Punkie Pie herself! Jen, I'm glad you weren't beat up by your cousins or arrested on the Jerry Springer show so you could win my scraps. Just email me your mailing address, please, and I'll get this box in the mail to you. (BTW, I was a little startled to see you live in Scotland, since the giveaway was for US residents, but then I read further. Who knew there was a Scotland in Connecticut? You learn something new from blog hopping every day, I swear!)

Now, maybe someone could help here. I know I talk about me on my blog--because that's just kind of the way things are, you know? But I don't usually like to get all full of myself and tell you about how many hits I get (unless it's for the good of a contest) or how many blog stalkers followers I have because those are really just numbers, and probably none of you really care. I THINK that mainly what you care about is seeing what I'm up to and maybe, every now and then, checking in to see if there's a contest or a tutorial or something, right? But you know what? Someone commented and wanted to follow my blog and asked how to do that. And you know what? I'm not sure! I know it's possible without me having that "follower widget" in my sidebar because I DO get followers, but if someone knows how to become a follower of a blog that doesn't have a visible "follower widget," can you leave a comment explaining? The person who asked was "no-reply," so I can't even answer her directly, but maybe an explanation about the follower thing would help others too.

I quilted a bit more of the Halloween/Fireworks quilt tonight and I have the center part all done--just the borders are left and then, of course, the binding. Soon I'll have another project to add to the "done and dusted" list. I had to chuckle a little today because someone mentioned in a comment that they hoped I felt better soon, and that made me wonder what was wrong with me. Well, I guess it must have been where I said I was quietly quilting and planned to go to bed early with a good book. I actually do that sometimes even if I feel just fine--it's a lovely indulgence. But the funny thing is--for me, "going to bed early" often just means getting to bed before midnight! Otherwise, I often don't go to bed until closer to 1 a.m.

Well, since it's around 11:15 p.m. now, if I get off the computer, take my bath, and get my jammies on quickly, I just might get to bed "early" again to read! Happy quilting!


  1. I live in the 'original' Scotland - and I didn't know there was another one - although I do know that Scottish place names (and family names) pop up all over the world!! I enjoy your blog - it is always full of such energy.

  2. I would be the worst teacher with so little sleep. I call it quilts at 930!

  3. Congrats to Jen!

    You can publicly or anonymously follow a blog by being logged in to your blogger account and go to the Dashboard. Under Reading List, there is a button to Add, and on the popup screen you add the URL of the blog to follow. To quit following, go to Dashboard, Reading List, Manage.

  4. I enjoy reading about what your up to & what you do not just quilting as my mum use to say it interesting to see how the other half lives
    Congratulations to the winner & No i never knew there was another Scotland other than the one in the Good Old UK
    Hugs Janice

  5. You can also click on subscribe to posts at the bottom of a blog (if it's there) and then add it to whatever reader you use. I use Google reader and I love it! :0)

  6. Hooray! Thank you Kim! I can't wait to receive the goodies. I promise to put them all to good use!

    Thanks again!

  7. I just found your blog from the Happy Cottage Quilter's blog. Personally, I love to hear what everyone is up to. Plus, occassionally, I find a new recipe, technique, or some other form of inspiration; not to mention making new friends. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures.

  8. I'll have to come back to see if you get the hint on the follower thing. I haven't a clue myself.

  9. I consider myself a follower. I just bookmarked you on my main computer, my laptop and my work computer a long time ago and I read you everyday.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!