Friday, August 21, 2009


Do you reward yourself for your accomplishments? I hope you do! You deserve it!

August is two-thirds of the way over and I've accomplished several of my goals for the month. The Sweat Shop is cleaned up--STILL! I know there are a few naysayers out there who figured it would be a mess as soon as I put a toe across the threshhold, but it's still looking darn good, if I say so myself!

And those projects I've listed in the sidebar that are finished? Yep, patting myself on the back for those!

And the fabric I culled out of my stash that I didn't think I'd use? On it's way by car tomorrow to its destination, where it will be sold and the money raised will go to cancer research and/or treatment.

Not too bad so far! And what do I have left to accomplish? Well, there are still several more projects in my sidebar I want to work on--some of which I AM working on now! And I still have a stack of magazines I want to go through--every now and then, I like to take out the instructions and pictures for quilts I think I might make and either discard or give away the rest. So I have those to organize. But I'm getting there!

When I started this drive to get things finished up in August, I said that those of you who joined up would be listed in my sidebar and those who were listed and "finished" three or more projects during the month would be put in a drawing for a reward. So how are you doing? Who has finished three or more projects so far? I hopped around to a couple blogs and noticed some of you haven't posted for awhile--maybe you're too busy getting projects done? Can we see what you've been up to? Please leave a comment to let us know how it's going.

Want to see my reward?

Cool, huh? And best of all? I just had to buy the pattern and a few of the orange fabrics--the rest came out of my stash, so this will be a good stash busting project! In September, I'm going to quilt camp for several days, and this will be the main project I'll take to work on.

I don't know if you can see it very well, but the Halloween quilt I made using the Fireworks! pattern is underneath the fabric--I'm getting close to being done with the quilting, which means marking another project off my list. That sure feels good!

What are you planning to accomplish this month and what will you do to reward yourself? Please comment or let me know if you decide to write about it on your blog. I'd love to hear about your goals and rewards!


  1. I haven't acheived as much as I hoped to this month - too many trips to doctor and dentist - but I did finish my Woodland Fairy doll - from a kit I bought four years ago!! My other excuse is that we are getting organised to go off next week for five weeks in Australia and Singapore .....

  2. Well this month i done a few bits some placemats (could be finished last month thinking on it lol) i have done a pot holder which will be off to the USA to a knitting swap partner plus done some blocks for swaps & lottery.
    I have a rule which is i never start a new project until i finish what i am working on so i never have UFOs of course if i am waiting on supplies to finish it then i may start something else but by doing this it makes me finish something especially if i want to start something new.
    My reward to myself is normally i treat myself to fabric or some quilting item.
    I did win a ticket to go to the UK FOQ gala dinner & i wrote about it on my blog
    Hugs Janice

  3. Kim where did you pick up the book? I have been seeing it n blogs here and there but no source. I love the fabrics you have chosen for it.

  4. I finished a totebag, and a table runner so far, only posted the totebag, but I'm on to the next unfinished junk and if you want to see my before picture of MY quilt rack, come on over to my blog.......

  5. I've managed to get a good portion done on the needlepoint Christmas stocking I'm working on. Don't think it'll be done before the end of the month, but close. I started working on the wood wall letters last night. Hopefully I can get them cut out tonight.

    I'm jealous that you have your Halloween 1904 pattern already. I just found a place to order it online the other day. I absolutely love! that quilt. Hopefully I can manage to make a couple of small wall hangings from the pattern....I even have most of the fabric I'll need for it. OH I LOVE FALL!

  6. Hi Kim,
    I am working on my LAST project and I must admit I left it to the last for a reason- hexagons!! The book that you just held up, like a big, fat, juicy carrot, made me look at this last project with new incentive!
    Thanks for doing that!! Keep on truckin'

  7. I love your reward project! I have finished a couple of tops and hope to finish at least two more. I'll post some pictures when I get home. I'm up at Back Lake and it's gorgeous and peaceful. Have some kitty stitchery to work on.

  8. Cute quilt pattern! I can hardly wait to see the Fireworks! quilt finished - it looks great.

    BTW, how many Halloween quilts can you have? I only have a couple, but from what I see on your blog, it looks like i can have more!

  9. Hi Kim,
    I've been very busy. I just finished a quilt top that I did post on my blog. I'd love to get it quilted this month, but I'm looking for some sale flannel to put on the back. Not much luck in the fabric search.
    I am working on an autumn leaves wall hanging and I finally cut out the applique and applied them to the wallhanging. I just need to hand stitch them down and the top will be done.
    I also have a BOM that I am dying to finish. It needs a pieced border and the top will be complete.
    Then I have a tablerunner I need to finish quilting.
    Those are my goals this month.
    I just don't know how you get it all done!

  10. I actually just posted my goals for the next 8 days in my blog at

    I've been slacking in the finishing projects department lately, and now that I will have some time without distractions I am planning on getting a lot done.

  11. Kim, you have been an inspiration to me this month. After reading about you wanting to get things done, I decided I had some projects to finish as well. I had 4 quilts started. I wanted to get them to flimsy stage. Two are now flimsies and I'm working on the other 2. I also had 2 projects I was hand quilting. One of them is complete, even the binding, and the other is at least 3/4 done. I have really put the pedal to the metal this month. Thanks for the little push. I also have an applique quilt that I would like to get to flimsy stage, but I will be all right if it waits till next month. Glad everyone is getting alot done. Winona

  12. ...and a just reward! :-)

  13. Yes I too think I can do the bulk of that Halloween quilt from my stash! I am not on a no buy fabric but have been on a buy only if I actually need it fabric for a project I am actually working on!

    I bought the Halloween pattern, looks like the cream background with black motiff fabrics is where I am coming in a bit short but I have the oranges and blacks from stash!

  14. Day is done
    Gone the sun
    and my energy

    I am going to see where I am on finishes.
    I hope you have a very productive weekend, full of relaxation, fun and yummy good eating :0)

  15. Hi Kim,
    You are so inspiring! I finished two of my Designer Mystery Blocks of the Month. (I have two daughters) I finished the Lakehouse EZ DayZ It Quilt. I love that pattern because it is so cheery looking! I made a bag out of a Beach towel. I made myself a pocketbook. Four Jewelry holders. I made the Thimbleberries fall four panel quilt and use it as a tablecloth. I made two quilts from left over fabric stash from the Merry Bright Collection. But I must tell you that I had to go to the Dr. yesterday and had a throat culture done, chest xray, urine sample, I had a temp. of 100.6 and pulse of 120 Blood Pressure through the roof. And I cannot swallow without my throat hurting so bad. So maybe I did too much. I now have to take all sorts of medicine and stay in bed! How horrible is that to a quilter!!!
    Oh! I forgot to tell you that I re-upholstered my desk chair!!!

  16. congrats on all those finishes! and i love this pattern!!


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