Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Reveal

I enjoyed teaching the Buggy Barn class today, but for some odd reason, I woke up at 6 a.m. feeling quite nervous. Seriously, I haven't been at all nervous teaching the last couple classes, so this came as a surprise. And, since I've quit smoking, I couldn't even have a cigarette to calm my nerves--and boy, I sure wanted one for a little while there! Once class started, though, I settled down. I think it was partly just anticipation!

I had 11 students today--the class WAS full with 12 but one of the students had to cancel. Still 11 was a nice size. First I wanted to show you the quilt top Lindy (Bearpaws & Hollyhock's shop owner) had made that generated a lot of interest in this particular Buggy Barn class.

Cute, huh? I love those dangly legs! Lindy had "kitted" up fat quarters for the witch blocks--three deep yellow fat quarters, three black fat quarters, and three blue fat quarters--and that's what I used for mine. Last night, one of the things I did to prep for class was to make some of those dangly legs.

The students were to pick any of four quilts in the Buggy Barn's Frightfully Crazy book, and out of the 11 students, 9 decided to do the witches and 2 were working on the cats (I want to make the cats for the next class I teach in September), so most of us were working on the witches.

This was the first time some of my students had made any of these types of "stack and slash" patterns and I really got a kick out of seeing how exact one of the gals, Darlene, was trying to be about sewing the pieces back together. The whole method goes completely against everything we've learned as quilters, and some of us take to it just fine, and others go kicking and screaming--Darlene was kicking and screaming and clutching her rulers the entire way, but I was very pleased that by the end of class, she seemed to have relaxed into the process and was doing a great job.

I loved Darlene's choice of fabric, so I thought I'd take a quick photo to share.

Here I've put up my block and Darlene's block on the design wall--it's helpful for the first time Buggy Barn students to see how "wonky" a "completed" block looks; otherwise they tend to think they're doing something wrong! I wish I'd gotten a photo of Imelda's block--she added a little bit of stuffing to her witch legs and they were really cute!

And the treat bags? Since one of the students dropped out, I got to keep one for myself, so I figured I'd share and show you what was inside.

A bag of snack mix--the recipe comes from the Frightfully Crazy Buggy Barn book; a Halloween bag stuffed with candy, a pencil, a couple of erasers, and some stickers; and my new "Little Adventures" pattern along with scraps of the wool they'll need to make it.

Part of the way through the class, when no one was paying much attention, I "distributed" the "treats" hubby contributed. When the Halloween pencils I'd ordered online didn't arrive on time, he volunteered to go to a party supply store on Friday to get pencils for me, and he couldn't resist buying everyone an eyeball.

These eyeballs are kind of sticky, so I was able to set them on the tops of the sewing machines, where they'd stay in place. And weren't my students surprised to come eyeball to eyeball with them?! Yes, I think they were!

All in all, it was a good class--in my opinion, anyway! After class, I came home and took a little nap before cooking dinner. I then spent the rest of the evening in the Sweat Shop, taking all the fabric off the shelves and sorting it out, dusting it off, and sneezing my head off! I wish I could stay I finished, but I can't--I still have more to do tomorrow. At least getting reacquainted with some of the fabrics I've purchased and forgotten about is kind of fun! How are you doing on finishing UFOs and cleaning things out? I think I'll do a little blog hopping tomorrow and stop by to visit you--see you then!


  1. I keep saying have got to be one of the best teachers! That class looked absolutely fun. I know exactly what your student Darlene was feeling the first time I tried one of those patterns....I had to break rules and nothing lined up? What?!! It was fun to just do it and let go!

  2. Kim What a great class. How far do you travel East. Will be missing you next weekend. But maybe next year Take care Sharon Mac

  3. Oh my! I just love Halloween! I would have loved to be in your class for this one...too much fun!

  4. Sure wish I lived close enough to take your class, always wanted to take a Buggy Barn class. Looks like you really enjoy teaching and it shows. Keep up the great job!

  5. Your quilt is really cute!!! Your classes seem like so much fun....I am thinking that maybe you should come to Ohio and teach at a little known quilt store called Chez' Owens of the Queeelting Bees. What?? Never heard of it?? Okay, yes, it's my house...but still!!! hahahaha

  6. I just want to let you know I'm proud of you for not taking "just one puff" of a cigarette to calm your nerves when you felt a bit nervous. You found out you don't need them! You are doing great!
    I just got back fom vacation so I'm catching up on my blogs I read regularly. Chris in Sacramento

  7. Sounds like a lot of fun! I've been wanting to make this quilt, so it was fun to see the blocks that you shared!

  8. I see what you meant about pre-making the witches legs, but they do add to the quilt no end!
    The goodie bags look such fun, but the eyeballs are altogether something else! Did anyone scream? I wish you'd had your camera for some of the expressions as I'm sure they were priceless.

  9. You groupies can't wait to take the Kristmas Klass in November! I think my mom is going to join our group, since she hears me talking about it all of the time! Have a great Sunday, rest up for Monday's class!


  10. That looked like a greta class - I love the witches' legs!!

  11. I love that quilt!!! I saw it last year and wanted to make one. It's the legs that make it. I also love those bags you made. I would love to make some for my grandkids. Where is that pattern? Please let me know.

  12. I definetly would have loved to be in your class.

  13. Once again your class sounds SO much fun! Now instead of going to Ohio and teaching at 'Chez Owens of the Queeelting Bees' what about coming to Australia and teaching here!!!!! We'd love to have you! Love the eyeballs, Hubby made a great choice!

  14. Kim,
    What a great class- I do have 3 of the Buggy Barn books and do want to make some of their patterns but somewhat haven't got to it yet. I will do it if I ever get finished my projects.
    Your husband eyes were a big hit I am sure- my kindergarten kids love it when I get eye bubblegum- they are less spooked or grossed out by Halloween stuff than the grownups that surround them.
    Good luck with your fabric purge and congratulations on winning those nice patterns from Carol.
    I have the king sized quilt top put together- I haven't decided whether I will add one more two inch border- right now I am leaning towards doing it... Not as speedy as some but making progress..
    Happy quilting,
    Warmest regards,

  15. Make sure you swing on over.

    Rachelle x

  16. I wish I lived closed too! That shop and your students are lucky to have you!!

  17. Ahhhhhhhh! For all the world you and the best teacher!!!!!!!!

    Nobody, does it your way!

    You Are The BEST!

  18. I really enjoyed looking at all the new blogs and getting that inspiration from all the quilts that were shown.
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