Sunday, August 16, 2009


I've been making progress, I think. I thought I'd share the "makeover" photos.







It's still a small room, so no matter what I do to it, it's going to look a bit cramped, but at least it's much better organized and cleaned up now--it's a pleasure to work in there! And what am I up to now?

I'm working on quilting one of the projects on the list in my sidebar!

I've been by to visit the quilters who have accepted the August challenge and some of you have been working quite hard! Anna/Quiltmom's making progress getting things done and has brought out a red and green quilt she'd like to change in some way. Any suggestions for her?

Carol at Carol's Crafty Creations--well, she's started something NEW, but that's okay since it's recycled from me. As I'm cleaning out things, I've listed a few items on Etsy, and Carol purchased the Christmas List pattern from me--she's already done the first block.

Heckety's finished her second quilt, and from the look of her dining room table, she's been busy sewing up a storm!

Laura has finished a Christmas candle mat and Moneik has been making some wonderful bags! I didn't insert links to these ladies' blogs in this text, but you can click on their names in the side bar to go over and see what they've been doing and cheer them on.

And me? Besides starting to quilt one of my projects, I spent much of the weekend cleaning out my stash and filling a couple boxes with fabric to donate to a good cause. I also filled a medium Priority Mail box with scraps and more for the winner of this week's giveaway. I'm sorry, but I'll need to limit entrants in this giveaway to United States residents as shipping this box to another country would cost me a small fortune! I'll have more giveaways soon that anyone can enter, though, so be patient. And by now you know what to do, right? Just leave me a comment saying you want to be entered in the drawing, and I'll pick a winner on Wednesday night to be announced on my Wednesday night/Thursday post.

I hope you've had a wonderful weekend! Thanks for visiting!


  1. I really should show my DH these photos then he won't say i have too much fabric lol i had a tidy up of my table so i can start to cut i am in a very limited space you say yours is a small room you certainly look like it at least twice the size of mine lol
    I can't enter the give-away being i am a overseas person but good luck to all those who do
    Hugs Janice

  2. Really Kim, do you think you have enough fabric? The sweat shop looks nice now. But for how long? Quilt away.

  3. Kim great job on those areas. YOu have truly been working hard.
    please include me in your giveaway.

  4. Your area looks fabulous! Doesn't it make you feel so good to work in a space that's neat? Please enter me in your drawing!

  5. I've been doing a little cleaning up too but midway through I decide to start sewing. I guess I'm a little ADD that way! Thanks for the chance to win the fabric!

  6. Yes indeed you've been doing some straightening up. Finding things you've misplaced perhaps? That's always fun like a scavenger hunt! LOL Please enter me.

  7. Please enter me in the drawing! I am beginning to clean my quilt room today! Thanks for the chance to win!

  8. Doesn't it just feel so great to get things a little organized? I have a very small sewing area too, and it can take over very quickly. But I would love to enter your giveaway! Always enjoy scraps :-)

  9. Your "sweat shop" looks so organized!! I did not join in on your August challenge but I think my challenge will be to organize my sewing room! Please enter me in your drawing.

  10. I guess you motivated me to clean my sewing room. Small like yours, it is messed up quickly. Better to be more organized and sorta know where things are. Would love to win your drawing.

    Linda Z

  11. You ladies amaze me with what you get accomplished! Where ever do you find the time?!

    I managed to get a roadside sign for our store finished yesterday. That was one thing down.

  12. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win!!!

  13. I spent yesterday cleaning and organizing my sewing room too. Now I'm really inspired to get to my sewing! Thanks for the chance to win your scraps.

  14. Sandy from ThimbleberriesAugust 17, 2009 at 6:43 AM

    All I can say is WOW! Your sewing room looks great compared to how it looked. It is organized. I am impressed. You have a lot of fabric. Please enter me in the give away.

  15. You do an amazing job in your little corner of the world...thanks for all that you share!
    Mary Jo

  16. Great job on the reorganization!! What a treat it would be to win your give away!

  17. Can you come over and play (clean, hehe) in my sewing room? I am amazed at how much you accomplish and work a full time job. Would love a chance to win your goodies. I love your blog and read it daily. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Kim, your after pics are great...good job! Now I just wish my sewing room looked as good as your before pics. You are one organized lady. And what a neat giveaway~can only imagine the neat fabrics in that box.

  19. You are making great progress! I will have a 'report' this week. I almost have my first finish (had too much work to get to anything before this weekend) and have cleaned up my sewing room :o)

  20. Wow, you never stop amazing me! You are such an inspiration. I wish I had half you energy. Working full time, teaching classes, spoiling your students, organizing and quilting your own projects. Would love for you to show us your halloween quilt when you've finished quilting it! Oh yeah, thanks for entering me in the drawing, too!

  21. Hi Kim,
    The sewing room looks great- I know the challenges of a small space and lots of fabric. It always feels better to have things arrange so you can find them.

    Received some interesting comments about my slasher question- Haven't decided yet but at the least I am going to take it apart and insert leaf fabric- whether I will be brave enough to slash it or not.
    You are making great progress- I better get busy if I want to finish some of these quilts..


  22. Please enter me in the drawing. I have a perfect use for the scraps...bookmarks for over 300 kids at my school!

  23. Hey Kim, I know just how to help with your tidying up. You may send all the spare fabrics to me if you like!

  24. Hi Kim!
    All I see is all that gorgeous fabric!!Wow! Quite the stash! Good job! Must check out your 'store'!

  25. Yours is my favorite blog. I read it every day. I wish I had as much energy as you seem to have. You get so much sewing done.

    Please enter me in your drawing. I do not have a blog but I guess my email addy shows up here when I leave a comment.

  26. Kim, I would love to have some of your scraps. Your sewing room is looking good. Winona

  27. Hi Kim,

    Your room looks great. My sewing space is spread over 4 rooms. It makes for fun times sometimes when I am trying to find my stuff :)

    I would love to be entered in your fabric drawing!


  28. Kim, the sweat shop is looking good!! You even inspired me to clean mine (which I had been putting off). I would like to be included in the giveaway.


  29. You have done a good job on the room. Please enter me in you giveaway.

  30. Wish I had even a small space like you. I get the dining room to work in. Oh well at least its close to the kids so I can watch them and sew. Would love your scraps for some mystery quilts I would like to do. Please enter me in your giveaway.


  31. You know those people who come to your house and help you de-clutter? Well, if ever your quilting adventure grows stale you could always be a clutterbuster! I might even invite you myself...ah no, I couldn't bear to get rid of my junk!

  32. Congratulations on the clean-up. My space could use a straighten-up session, too. I would love to win your scraps. I certainly don't need them, but they would sure be fun to go through and see what they could be used for.
    I love reading your blog - it's the first I go to every day.
    Mary in Missouri

  33. Wow..look at that fabric! It's like a grown-up candy store!
    Enter me in your your blog..your a hoot!

  34. Nice job Kim! Your sewing room looks great! So much fabric, I'm so jealous! :-) Yes, please enter me in your drawing!!

  35. WOW Thats a great sewing area. To be with all that fabric....I would love to help you destash!

  36. Oh brother, just what I need, you making me feel all guilty about my HUGE mess. But not guilty enough to do anything about it YET! LOL I'd love it if you'd enter me for your giveaway and thanks bunches!

  37. Enter me in your giveaway please. Just like Mary in Missouri, I sure don't need more fabric, but it would be fun to go thru your stuff.
    Chris in Sacramento

  38. I'm in! Thanks for the giveaway! And thanks for showing the "before" pictures--it's always fun to what happens where a creative person creates. I hope your "after" will make you feel more at peace there.

  39. I love your sewing space, small but perfectly forms (when tidy, LOL).

    Please enter me in your giveaway.

    My dining room currently looks like your before pictures. Very sad.

  40. The "sweatshop" looks great. It's much more pleasant to sew when things are organized. I would love to win the box of scraps, scrap quilts are my favorite.

  41. Though I never win anything - I would love to have some stash fabric. I am starting to get into applique.... and it would be nice to have some scraps for that.

  42. You do have the fabric! Sweat shop is looking good, but can you find anything now? I know when I clean mine, I can't my stuff. LOL!

    Nancy E

  43. I love your "befores" and "afters." Fabric scrap give-aways are the best! Thanks for offering this!

  44. I box of your fabric would be fantastic! I am a relatively new quilter and do not have much to draw from. This would certainly help--please enter me to win!

  45. Pat - pbernstein@roe.comAugust 19, 2009 at 5:16 AM

    I would like to be entered in your give away Kim.

    Thank you for your site - I've been enjoying for quite some time. I especially appreciate your tutorial for the Scrappy Thimbleberries Stars as I was looking for a pattern to make for my 15 yr old son. I used your tutorial and the top is now done - just have to piece a backing and get it quilted.

    Thanks again

  46. Would love some scraps to add to my scrappy (or is that crappy!) BOM...just started a new one through my quilt guild....cause you know I didn't have enough to do!!

  47. WOW. Impressive stash. I am so jealous! Please add me to the growning list of people who want your fabric scraps!

  48. The sweat shop looks great--before and after. .I'd love to win some of your scraps. Thanks for sharing.

  49. You've inspired me to clear some of the piles in my studio. Thanks, I think ;-)
    I would love to be entered in your drawing for more scraps.....I love scraps!!!

  50. WOuld love to be entered into your giveaway!

  51. Thanks Kim for the inspiration. I've been cleaning out too. Back to school season always seems to get me in the mood to organize, even though the children are now all grown up and out of school. Please enter me in your giveaway.

  52. Please give me a chance at the giveaway.

  53. Wow. you have more space than I ever will! great job on the organization!

    can you enter me, please?

  54. I would love to win some of your scraps :) Pick me pick me! xoxo melzie

  55. Your sewing room looks fantastic and what a dream to have all that fabric at your fingertips waiting to be made into something beautiful. Please enter me in your contest. I know I am Canadian but (if by some miracle I was to win) I do have an American mailing address it could be sent to.
    Your blog is lovely. I am going to add myself to your followers.

  56. I don't see a followers list- am I missing it?

  57. Your Sweat Shop is looking mighty fine; and IMHO, there is no such thing as too much "stash!!!" I'd love to be entered into the contest and tks so much for all the fun!

  58. Please count me in on your giveaway. Would luv to have some of your scraps
    Pam B

  59. Hey Kim, I clean out my room every time I start a new project but it never lasts! Would love to win your giveaway I need something new to work on!!!

  60. Your clean up looks great. Inspires me to get busy in my small room. Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks,


  61. Wow I love how you've organized your stash! It almost looks like a quilt shop in there! I should show hubby these stash is sadly piled in big clear box. I'd like to be entered for your giveaway, too.

  62. Hey, Kim, the sweat shop is looking great. Now the problem is trying to keep it that way vs wild fabric pulling for a new exciting project. Please enter me. THe only thing more fun than seeing other people's fabric is getting it!

  63. I would love to be in the drawing. I love scraps and do lots of charity quilts.
    Diane in Alaska

  64. Count me in!! I love scrappy give aways! YEAH!!!

  65. Great job organizing your stash! Please enter me in your giveaway..Thanks and I have my fingers and toes crossed.

  66. Kim, I'm thinkin' that your counter will turn over on August 25th (Tuesday). So count me in on this fun!

  67. I love watching what comes out of the Sweat Shop, so it's fun to see what it looks like! I'd love to get a box of Scraps From the Sweat Shop to play with.

  68. Love the before and after pictures--- maybe I'll have to go clean a little myself. (But I'm too chicken to post the pictures). Please include me in your drawing.


  69. Wow, I think you've used every space to it's fullest capacity! Very cozy too. I would very much like to be entered into the contest for the scraps box 8)

  70. Hi Kim,
    I love scraps, so please enter me in your drawing.

  71. ARe you for hire..LOL I tried posting the other day but it just wouldn't let me.. I will try again for an entry....

  72. Your newly cleaned sewing area looks wonderful and makes me blush, think about the chaos in mine! I make such a mess as I look for some misplaced part or another.
    I'd love to be entered in your fabric giveaway, so please at me at this very number on Wednesday evening *VBS* Big hugs, Finn

  73. I'd love to be entered in your drawing~ although I probably shouldn't, but aren't 'new to you' scraps the best?! :-) I need some new to me scraps. :-)) Great job organizing your room too!

  74. Hi Kim! I just love reading your posts every day - please keep up the good work! Your sweat shop looks like one I wouldn't mind "doing time" in! I hope I win your scraps!

