Monday, June 1, 2009

Seeing Spiders

I'm afraid I'm a little boring tonight since all I've done all day was to get the Fireworks! pattern ready and work on making a few things for my class students--which I'd really LOVE to show you . . . but I can't right now because they're a surprise. So what can I show you?

Well, can you stand to look at a few more spiders?

I think I mentioned that I was going to use the Fireworks! pattern to make a Halloween quilt, didn't I? I'll be using this as a demonstration for the class, so I thought that tonight I'd get the cutting done for the blocks that will make up the center of the quilt. Here are the fabrics I'll be using--

I think most of the fabrics for this quilt are Alexander Henry fabrics except for the orangy-yellow, which is from Sandy Gervais. I also have a great Alexander Henry black border fabric and a good stripe for the inner border--no idea who makes that one. I came across it at the quilt shop in Hollister last weekend. I'll have to show you the border fabrics another time since I didn't think to take a photo of them.

Cutting the spider fabric kind of gave me the creeps! A couple times I'd catch sight of the spiders showing through the back of the fabric and I'd get that little burst of adrenaline before my mind made sense of what I was seeing! Oh, sometimes I make myself laugh!

I hope you had a lovely weekend!


  1. Nice spider picture you got there. I det your grabed that off the net.Just look at that design. Neat. Put that in your quilt.

  2. Oh gees! I love ALexander Henry's Halloween fabric. I collect Halloween fabric in general, and he does a lot of reto patterns. Can't wait to see it done!


    PS-I think Gran was talking about her eyes! I ahte to think the other, not Gran!

  3. LOVE the spider fabric. I have tons of Halloween fabric destined for a quilt someday. I'll have to try to find that spider for the collection.

  4. I have a huge collection of Halloween fabrics, too.

    The fabrics you chose are great. I can't wait to see the quilt made up in those.

  5. I'm like that with reptiles. If I turn the page of a book or magazine and see that I have inadvertantly touched a picture of a snake or something, it just gives me the willies.
    Lovely stuff you're working on. Anxiously awaiting the finished quilt.

  6. as my goddaughter said when I liked my finger and wiped something off her cheek..........
    "ya know, you're kinda freakin me out"

  7. OK - now hear this.... I can not spell when I am tired - I am as old as dirt NOT what you are possibly trying not to think, but still ROFLOL. Gees!

    Your fabric is very interesting for the quilt class. You have got me thinking, since I still have not picked out my fabric.

    So, now i am tired, can't spell and can't think. I need chocolate.


  8. Really love the Halloweenish fabric! You crack me up with the spiders...BOO!!

  9. Love the fabric choice. Where can I purchase the pattern?


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!