Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Quiet but Productive Saturday . . .

I've spent much of the day today working on writing the Fireworks! pattern and making little "gifties" for my students.

For some reason, I'm always a bit surprised at how long it takes to write a pattern. I had notes. I had a nice diagram already prepared. I'd calculated the fabric requirements and written them all out in connection with the class. All this was already done. So why does it take so long to write the pattern?! Sheesh! Hours and hours!

Tomorrow I'll copy and package it up and get it on Etsy. Tomorrow I'll make more little "gifties" for my students. (I thought I might do a little house cleaning, but I don't think I'll have time. Tsk, Tsk! Isn't that a shame?! NOT!)

The pressure's on, though, because I'm teaching the Fireworks! class at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks next Saturday and I still have a lot to do. It really doesn't seem like it's been a month since the last class I taught, but it has! If you're in the area, haven't signed up yet, and would like to attend, give the shop a call. I haven't checked to see how many students were signed up, but I suspect there may be a spot or two available. (By the way, the class is called Patriotic Patchwork in case you want to enroll.) And if you're already signed up? Well, I wanted to let you know that I'll be bringing some all-American food for a late lunch, so don't worry about fainting during class from too much excitement and an empty stomach! Not gonna happen!

Oh, and were you wondering about last night's poker game, by any chance? Hubby lost his shirt, figuratively speaking. The big winner? The YOUNG guy! And really, if you knew these guys, you'd be dying laughing because they all think they're pretty hot poker players, and the young guy tends to be fairly quiet and unassuming--I think he kind of flies under the radar most of the time. Everyone left by around 12:30 a.m., and Hubby did a pretty good job of cleaning up after himself and his friends.

Next time there's a poker game, though, I think Pam and Gran have some ideas about getting together so I won't have to hang around the house and watch old guys going back and forth from the patio to the bathroom. Hanging out with the hot quilter chicks sounds like a lot more fun, don't you think?!

Well, it's time for this hot quilter chick to get to bed--the resident old guy is already there, snoring away. Thanks for visiting!


  1. Hey, does the term, Hot Quilter Chick have anything to do with menopause?! I am really going to miss being in your class next Saturday. I'll be thinking of you as I drive throught the exciting town of Baker!


  2. You know on second thought, after reading your blog about the Poker Party, there might be more fun coming to your house and watching the show. Seriously.... Well, it is a deal we are going to get you out of there for a little R&R with what did you call us, "Hot Quilter Chicks" must be Pam that you are talking about. Although if you are referring to my "personal summers" I guess that would be me!??

    I am so excited about taking your class. I still have no idea what fabric I will be using. Typical, hey.

    Hope Sunday is restful,

  3. Julia From ThimbleberriesMay 31, 2009 at 5:44 PM

    I loved the story about the poker party. Sounds like a great group of guys!! I'm with you. I would have exchanged my good salt and pepper shakers for the ones I don't care about!

    Sunday sounded good.....planning food for me and gifties. Keep on working!!!!


  4. I want to learn how to sew, stitch and quilt. I want to be as busy as you.

  5. Awesome. These are made of stitches? Great job. collection company


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