Friday, May 1, 2009

Objects of Desire

I think a few of you liked the shoe blocks I posted, so I thought I'd clarify. This is another stack and slice pattern from Sandy Gervais/Pieces From My Heart called If The Shoe Fits. This pattern is kind of neat because the blocks can be made from a layer cake. The fabric line I used, which pretty much goes along with the pattern, is called Objects of Desire. Yummy saturated colors in the line!

I found the layer cakes on sale HERE, but they don't seem to carry the pattern. Of course, if you click on over to the Fat Quarter Shop, you can find the layer cake, the pattern, and much more--that Kimberly has EVERYTHING--just like Barbie! There's a preprinted shoe panel if you like the shoes but don't want to fuss with cutting and sewing, and there's a large stripe that will make a great border.

And why am I'm making the shoes? Well, in the Hat Party class on Saturday, I'll use some of the fabric to demonstrate how to cut and sew the hat blocks. Ideally, I'd like to end up with 6 hat blocks and 12 shoe blocks and set them together in one quilt. Fun, huh?! I think so!

I'm deeply immersed in plans for the class on Saturday, and to that end, I visited a couple Goodwill stores today. I'll show you after the class what I was looking for--and found--but for now, I'll just show you a couple other things.

Goodwill can be counted on as a source for interesting books, and I'm really a book junkie! Oh, and I think you know that I'm a textile junkie too, right? So when I came across the linen and lace book, I was in heaven! And soap making? It's something I've always been interested in. I don't know if I'll ever actually DO it, but at least I have a book now!

I also found this fabric. It looks like a vintage textile to me, and the weave reminds me of linen, but I'm guessing it's more likely to be cotton, albeit a coarser weave. Do any of you have any insight as to what it is and when it may have been made? For $1 I just couldn't pass it up!

Finally, I wanted to welcome another friend to Blogland. Pam has been reading and commenting on blogs for a bit now, and she's finally decided to start a blog of her own. Pam's job takes her all over Northern California, so she gets to visit every quilt shop around--I'm envious! Still, I think one of her favorites is Bearpaws & Hollyhocks--that's where I first met her. I've added both Pam and Gran to the Friends section of my sidebar, so you can click on over to visit them any time!

And, as always, thanks for stopping in to visit--it's a pleasure to "see" you!

* * * * *

P.S.: Now see what you made me do? Yep, if Hubby asks, it's all your fault. After all, I was looking for sources of the Sandy Gervais fabric for YOU when I stumbled across this--I really NEED this panel. ARGH! I think I'm channeling Vicky, poking buttons in the middle of the night!


  1. My niece is graduating from Weidner University this month and heading off to law school in the fall. She will have her first apartment and I have been trying to think of what I could make her for a housewarming. The shoe quilt is perfect! She has a passion for ridiculously high heels. Her shoes make my feet hurt just looking at them!

  2. Oh, right! Go ahead and blame me! Everyone else does! :)

    Love your shoes, and love that new pattern! Gosh, you're the busiest person I know!

  3. I love the Crazy Eight panel too, I don't think it's out to buy yet. I have the shoe pattern but haven't made any blocks yet.

  4. I have a question : Is the sandy gervais cut & slice like thebuggy barn way?

    I have the snow man 1 from sandy gervais I actually bought it as a quilt kit from the cotton shop online?


    Sorry my question is so long.

    Kim from san diego

  5. I am no help in identifying it, but love your fabric find!!

  6. I love the high heels blocks and your color choices. I'm sure I have never heard of that pattern before but will definitely look into buying it. Thanks for sharing.

  7. There are also alot of shoe patterns available as quilt motifs now too. How fun!
    I tried accessing Pam's blog and only get error messages.

  8. Kim, it looks like it was for a table cloth - If it's big enough it would make a great one! I LOVE the shoe blocks!

  9. Now why'd you go and do that? Now I have to have that Crazy 8 panel with the reindeer. Darn and drat. More fabric....;o)

  10. Well, I just got home a bit ago and after chatting with DH I thought I better check-in to see if you had more notes for your class tomorrow. I am really looking forward to the your class and spending time with you. I finally settled on my fabric.

    Did your new refrigerator arrive today?



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!