Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mid-Week Update

Hey, did you know the new Quilt Sampler magazine is out? Woo-hooooo! I haven't had a chance to read it in any great depth yet, but a browse through the magazine makes me want to do a little quilt shop traveling!

And hey, did you know that Gran has taken the plunge into blogging? Chances are that if you have a blog, Gran has probably stopped by and commented at one time or another, so you may already know her. Click HERE to go over and visit Ms. Knot-y Embroidery Lady herself and welcome her to the Land of Blog! (And if you're good at putting two and two together, you're right--Gran writes very long class supply lists!)

Speaking of embroidery, I ran across this book in a fabric and craft store the other night and felt it needed to come home with me. Since I love Mary Engelbreit, I think her designs would be fabulous to embroider!

Remember a week or so ago, I decided the Back Home Again fabric in that cute little suitcase wasn't exciting me as much as it had in the beginning of the class, and I decided to start over with the Ellery line of fabric I had in my stash? I thought I'd share a photo with you of the blocks I've made so far. There are two more main blocks and half-sized versions of each, so only four more blocks to make before I can start thinking about setting these beauties! I'm VERY happy with these colors and prints, and making each block is awfully fun!

It's a funny thing--I really love the finished Back Home Again quilt in the original fabrics, but working with the smaller pieces for each block--well, I just didn't like it. How weird is that? I don't think I've had that happen to me before--have you?

Time now for bath and bed. I haven't been feeling great today, and I think it's probably a combination of allergies and not enough sleep, so I'm going to try harder on the sleep part tonight.

Before I go, though, just a couple follow up things--YES, I DO have a new refrigerator arriving Friday! All is well in that regard, as I received email confirmation from Sears this morning.

Also, if you're signed up for the Hat Party class on Saturday, there's a post following this one that you might want to read. And if you're in or around the Sacramento area, are interested in the class, and haven't signed up yet--there are still a couple spots left.

I'm glad you could stop by for a visit!


  1. Love your back home again blocks. I would totally make this quilt if YOU had chosen the fabrics.

  2. I love the blocks too. I'm so glad your order went through for your refrigerator. I'd hate to think of you going through that turmoil all over again. :)
    Have fun with your class....I know you will keep your students well entertained.

  3. Hey Kim,
    Let me know if bring anything Saturday. I would be most happy to help bring something. See you and Gran then.


  4. Well I don't remember the older fabrics, but these are just spectacular!! LOVE the look!

  5. i read the post to your hat party students last night - and, man oh man, i want to come to your class! ... not enough to buy a plane ticket or move to california ... but,still! and you're even gonna FEED them! do they know how good they have it?

    so, is Gran really knot-y or is she naughty - you can tell me, i won't say a word... (are you reading this, Gran?)

  6. I am calling my LQS right away to see if they have their Sample magazines in yet! woohoo! I love the blocks you did with the Ellery. They turned out so nice!
    (Glad your refrig issues are solved, you are very brave to order on-line for that).

  7. ooH, one more thing... I have a copy of that Mary E Embroidery booklet. I really like it/ it's especially good for us rookie embroider-ers!

  8. Woohoo! one more sleep and your refrigerator is going to be in your kitchen - making ice, serving water and quietly humming while it efficiently keeps your turkey frozen and your fruits and vegies chilled. Are we going to have to wait until Thanksgiving to see a picture of a frozen turkey in your freezer?

    You know I never thought about how much I feel like I know most of your regular commenters-and YES Dianne I do read all of commenters comments on Kim's blog. That's half the fun :0) So in starting my own blog I feel like I am joining a bunch of friends. This is going to be fun - thank you Kim!

    Only two sleeps until the Hat Party - your class is gona be good, especially with Pam in it too.


  9. Julia from ThimbleberriesApril 30, 2009 at 10:14 PM

    I just got on a blog all in German. I was so excited about how much I could read. Wish I could still speak it!! Got there from you somehow and then got distracted....

    Have fun on Saturday with the class. Tea parties are the best!!!
    I was given the "May's flowers" embroidery sample from Crabapple Hill Studio (
    and I started my sample. My friend taking the class with you, is so excited about everything....


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!