Thursday, May 7, 2009

Betta Late Than Nevva

Tonight was our monthly meeting of the Bearpaws & Hollyhocks Jo's Little Women Club. I'm seriously behind on this project. How behind? Well, tonight we talked about part four--the final part of the quilt--and I hadn't even started. Yep, pretty far behind! And it's funny because this is a quilt I really like! Want to see what it looks like?

So when I got home tonight from club, I finally started it.

I didn't get very far, but then again, I figure it's not too bad for just a couple hours of hand applique.

My friend Pam joined Jo's Club this year, and when I heard she was joining, I told her the new members had to bring cookies to the meeting. And she DID! Well, that was some months ago, and sadly, she no longer believes me when I tell her she has to bring cookies. Nevertheless, I tried again today and she brought a bag of store-bought cookies. Do you think that counts? Yeah, I suppose we'll give her credit--she's a sweetie!

I was also behind in another monthly class I'm taking, Clues in the Calico. I got caught up on that one, though, last week. This project is a mystery of sorts--we find out month by month what we're supposed to add to the quilt.

The first month, we were supposed to make the broderie perse center star block (broderie perse is a method of cutting a printed motif from fabric and appliqueing it to a background). This month we were to add the half-square triangle blocks. I guess it probably wouldn't surprise anyone that I changed mine a bit. The original had the half-square triangles all going in the same direction around the quilt, but I liked them split in the middle and going toward the corners. I also had so much fun adding the broderie perse center that I added four more to the corners. For this quilt, I pulled some old Robyn Pandolph fabric from my stash and threw in a few other fabrics just to make it look a little more scrappy. It's fun to finally be using some of the fabrics I've been holding onto--I think this line is one of the first I "collected" in my first couple years of quilting!

Also something I finally got to--blog reading. This morning I went through my blog list and visited many of you. I guess I tend to be something of a lurker, though--I love to see what everyone's been up to, but unless I really have something to say, I don't always comment. It was a lot of fun visiting, though! There's so much going on out there! I still have a few more visits to make and I hope to stop by and "see" those bloggers in the next few days.

Finally tonight I wanted to thank you all for the name suggestions for the quilt. I can see it's going to be very hard to pick one as you're all so very good at naming quilts! I sure appreciate the help because my brain wasn't cooperating.

Until tomorrow . . . happy quilting!


  1. So do the cookies help sway you to pick my suggesstion for naming your new pattern? You are farther ahead with your Jo's and Clues blocks than I. I am catching up at quilt camp! Enjoy the rest of your vacation.


  2. I love your new monthly quilts you started! Do you know what line of fabric your red flowers are from in the Jo's quilt? Cookies are always a good thing. Nancy in WI

  3. Julia from ThimbleberriesMay 8, 2009 at 9:29 AM


    I am thinking that my daughter should bake cooies for us the next month. I'll see what I can do.



Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!