Friday, March 20, 2009

A Little Eye Candy

I thought you might want to see how the bunny quilt I was working on in the tutorial turned out.

I finished the binding this evening, so it can hop on over to Bearpaws & Hollyhocks tomorrow where it will reside for a bit, along with a stack of the Bette Bunny patterns. Funny story, I think: Last weekend I stopped in at the quilt shop and was wandering around looking at stuff. I came face to face with a display of my Spring! patterns, and it kind of startled me! I don't know why, really, because of course I knew the shop had bought some patterns, but KNOWING was different from actually SEEING them displayed! All I can say is that it was a weird moment.

I thought you might also enjoy seeing a couple versions of the St. Patrick's Day shamrock quilt made up. I meant to post them earlier--right around St. Patrick's Day--but I got side tracked. The quilt top above was made by Julie and when we last talked she wasn't sure if she was going to add an outside border, but she was leaning toward it. The quilt below was made by Phyllis, who had fun turning the shamrocks differently and adding a simpler border.

Remember I mentioned going out to lunch last week with my friend Teri from my office and her mom, Sandy? Sandy was nice enough to bring some of the smaller quilts she'd been working on to show, and one of them was the St. Patrick's Day quilt--I wish I had my camera with me then, but I didn't. Her shamrocks were green and she had added orange in the border--the two traditional colors of Ireland.

I really enjoy seeing what people do with my patterns--if you've purchased the Spring! pattern or Bette Bunny, or made any of the tutorial quilts, by all means give me a link to your blog or send me a photo so I can see what you've done.

I'm hoping Busy Little Amanda will post a photo of her Spring! quilt soon because she told me that instead of messing around with the stem blocks, she just added big green rick rack. What an excellent idea!

Time for my beauty sleep--if I can get these quilt visions out of my head! Thanks for stopping by to chat.


Simone de Klerk said...

Such a lovely happy bunny!

MichelleB said...

Bette is beautiful! I love her. She came out great. Love the fabrics.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Hey Kim, I'm not sure if I let you know, but I did post a photo of my St. Patrick's Day table topper on my blog.

Anna said...

I finished my stem blocks this morning.I will definitely try the ricrac next time.Congratulations on your new pattern business.

Millie said...

Very nice. Love the bunnie quilt. I made so many carrots and like to make the St. Patrickk's Day quilt too.

Congratulations on all your wonderful patterns!

Linda said...

Congrats on all your patterns. Love the bunny Linda

Nan said...

How wonderful to see your pattern displayed for all to look upon and buy! I'm so happy for you, Kim!
The shamrock quilts are very pretty - I love to see the different ways the ladies are finishing them. Your bunny turned out perfectly adorable, too!

Kim said...

I told my sister about Bette and Bucky.. she said she popped in and just loved them as we all do!! I like the Shamrock quilt.. I love seeing how everyone does it different. .now to get mine done so I can share...
Thanks for sharing ...

Jill said...

I made a bunny today. Wanted to let you know the picture and drawn pattern do not match. was following the drawn pattern and the whiskers were in the wrong place which is what I did. In the picture they were right. I thought you should know. I still think my bunny is cute and so did my grandchildren. Will have to try again and make it the other way. I would send you pictures, but can't figure out how.

Busy Little Quilter said...

My Spring quilt is on my design wall. I'll try to get the top together on Sunday.

julieQ said...

Kim! I am so tickled to see my (your)little Shamrock quilt on your blog! How fun is that! Thank you for showing it, and I can proudly say that it is a finish, all bound, quilted and not quite labeled. Thank you most of all for your generous heart and sharing your pattern.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your shamrock tutorial - I made a quilt using it and I LOVE IT!!! If you get a chance pls pop over to my blog and have a look. Thanks again :) Erin.