Sunday, March 29, 2009

Busy, Quilty Saturday!

Except for a nice little nap and a bit of time in the kitchen cooking, I've spent the entire day in the Sweat Shop, being rather productive.

First things, first. The ironing board cover I made almost exactly a year ago finally wore out.

So I made a new cover to replace it.

Next up was cutting and piecing borders for the red, white, and blue quilt.

I like the way it's turned out! Minick and Simpson's Flag Day Farm fabric is wonderful, and I used last year's Prairie Paisley for the floral border. And see that red, white, and blue fabric with the stars in the lower left side of the photo? That's bunting from the Flag Day Farm line. I'm not sure how I'll use it, but I couldn't resist the purchase.

Well, since it's nearly 3 a.m., I hope you'll excuse my yawns. I just couldn't go to bed until I finished the quilt top--and chatted with you a bit. Tomorrow I want to get the quilt pinned and start the quilting. This is the quilt I'll be teaching at Bearpaws & Hollyhocks in June, and the shop's open house is only a week away, so I need to get it finished for display.

Thanks for stopping in to visit!


  1. Its a great quilt and I know will be a favorite workshop.

    Thanks for the hypnotist joke - good to start the day with a laugh.

  2. I'm thinking "I wonder what she is going to do with that bunting?" Please let us know soon!

  3. Finally you have had some time to hit the sweat shop. It has sure been a rough week for you. I love the red white and blue quilt and the ironing board cover is cute too.

  4. Hi Kim, I come always to read you, but I didn't let you a's difficult in english and I imagine that sometimes it's a so bad english that it must be very funny! It doesn't matter: I really like your quilts and I have always a lot of fun to come here to read you!

  5. The Prairie Paisley is the perfect border for your lovely Flag Day Farm quilt. It looks great.

  6. Kim,
    I love the quilt. It turned out gorgeous.
    Chris in Sac

  7. That turned out beautiful! Love the floral border.

    Do you have a pattern for the ironing board cover? I am always finding the small boards like that at thrift stores, but never know how to cover them.

    Job well done!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!