Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Yahoo is Driving Me NUTS! And Other Stuff . . .

I have two Yahoo email accounts: One that's connected to this blog and another I've had for several years and use for everything else. The other email account is just fine right now, but for some reason, the email account I use for this blog has, within the last week or two, demanded that I reproduce distorted letters and numbers in order for me to reply to emails from those of you who comment. It's driving me nuts!

Have you seen these things? For the most part, it's much worse than what we have to add in order to leave comments on some blogs, and sometimes I despair of entering the correct letters and numbers to send off my email messages. It's not uncommon for me to try two or three times before I get it right, which leads me to wonder: "Is the message I'm sending really that important?" But I figure if you took the time to comment, I can take the time to try to decipher the undecipherable.

The spam-eliminating program used by Yahoo employs Captcha, and just in case you've managed to avoid Captcha, THIS LINK will take you to a Wikipedia entry that talks about it and shows a few examples. And I have to agree--the version Yahoo mail uses is the one described as "often very difficult for humans to read." Ya think?! Sheesh! Except that what they show on Wikipedia is much easier to read than anything that comes up on my screen. And really, why does it come up when I'm replying to an email? Does it make sense that Yahoo would need to screen out robots from REPLYING to emails sent to them?!

Well, enough rant for now. The "other stuff" I wanted to mention is that Jess over at Life in the White House has made a Valentine wall hanging from my pattern using four heart blocks, and she added sashing to hers with a cute 9-patch in the center where the sashing intersects. Darling! She still has to quilt and bind it, but I'm sure it will be done in no time. Click over and take a look. And if any of you who ordered a pattern makes a quilt, tabletopper, or wall hanging, I'd sure love to see it, so please let me know!

Bedtime for me--it was a tough Monday at work and I kinda doubt the week will get any easier until, oh, maybe around 5:30 on Friday afternoon! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Wish I could answer every comment but I just can't...typing takes away from sewing. I answer questions or specific remarks mostly. You don't have to email me back, I won't feel slighted at all!

    Sorry about the Mondays, I don't miss those at all!

    I use Mozilla Thunderbird for email and it does a pretty good job weeding out junk. I like that you get this preview window so you don't truly OPEN the mail so it saves on viruses, but I can read the whole thing in preview. If I get junk I just hit the J key and it automatically add that name to the filter list to stop later and send straight to trash.

  2. I had those impossible to read codes while trying to join a new yahoo group. I had to try several times before reading one correctly.

  3. Get a gmail account and tie it to your blogger. That way it is Google --> Google rather than Google --> Yahoo. Maybe, just maybe, that will help.

  4. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish!

    You do not have to email me back (until is is all figured out - really, truly :)

    One of those weeks at work, hey! I do not know where you work so I will wish you a iced latte every 4 hours and one walk around the block 2 times a day.

    You are a wonder woman and wonder women need to take care of themselves (sometimes too.) Nothing like having lunch at 2 or 3 pm in the afternoon and then they wonder where you are......and someone squeals and tells them you are out in the car eating your lunch....

    Sending good thoughts and a hug every now and then.

  5. I haven't had that lovely encounter with Yahoo, yet, but they are dumping all my comments from typepad into my spam folder. Maybe they have the flu or something. Rest well.

  6. I don't use Yahoo, so I don't know of all these fun and games. I do use the Blogger distorted letters thing - maybe that's why I don't get many comments! Oh dear.... LOL
    Jess did a wonderful job using your pattern! Cute quilt!

  7. I second Jess did a wonderful job using your pattern!

    Hope you are still standing or better yet, have your feet up and perhaps doing some hand work while you watch TV tonight.

  8. Just reading about your problem with Yahoo made my head hurt. I hope my yahoo isn't making you do all of that!

    I agree that Jess' quilt looks beautiful.

  9. Sorry I can't help you, I haven't had any problems with yahoo mail.
    I love you valentine quilt(s) and the tree is just too cute.

  10. You said it -- I'm right there with you when it concerns "decoding" the codes. I can't tell you how many comments I've tried to leave, only to have them erased because I've done something wrong and I had to start all over again!

  11. Kim! Another blog to read. I liked Jess's version. I am collecting all the ideas while I continue to make hearts!



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