Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Few Random Thoughts

On Monday the Wild Child ventured away from the Tahoe snowboard runs long enough to drive down to Sacramento for an overnight stay, and we all--me, Hubby, the Wild Child, and the Soccer Son and his Lovely Girlfriend--went out to dinner to celebrate the Wild Child's birthday (February 10th) and the Soccer Son's birthday (February 9th). We had a great time and I learned something interesting about the Soccer Son: he can fit a whole cupcake in his mouth! In fact, he performed the trick not once but twice: once before dinner and once after dinner. Talented boy!

During dinner, the Wild Child was talking a bit about possibly going sky diving again and I think she mentioned BASE jumping too, but I'm not sure because I had my fingers in my ears and I was humming loudly at the time. And did I mention she's in a band now? Lead singer and song writer extraordinaire. She sang for us a little bit of her latest song, "Sweatin' Out the Alcohol."

It's always fun when the family gets together.

Tonight I was talking to a quilt friend, Imelda, about--what else?--quilting. Imelda was in my Valentine Hearts quilt class. She told me she brought a few projects she made to show her sewing group, and a couple of the ladies wanted to know where they could get the pattern. I know some of them read my blog occasionally, so if any of you are reading this--or if anyone else is interested--just click on my profile and then click on the "email" link and let me know you're interested in purchasing a copy. I don't want to turn my blog into a pattern sale site, but I haven't figured out yet how to get a website up and running, and with Valentine's Day approaching--well, I'm not sure what else to do, but I apologize to those of you who didn't pop in for a sales pitch!

Imelda did have a question about my blog that some of you may have wondered about. Yes, once I have a "real" pattern business started, I still plan to have plenty of creative ideas and the occasional pattern freebies/tutorials for those of you who stop in to visit. I'm sure that not everything I make will be suitable for development into an actual "pattern." On the other hand, I feel that if I'm going to teach classes based on my own patterns and charge students to take the classes, it's not fair to them for me to give the patterns away free on my blog. So hopefully I'll be able to balance things. Something for everyone!

And all that reminds me. Tonight I did a little internet surfing--I should have been catching up on my blog visiting, but somehow I got side tracked over to the Fat Quarter Shop, RJR Fabrics, Thimbleberries, and Moda--among other happy places to visit. So much good stuff out there! Did you see Monica/Happy Zombie's post the other day about the "Moda Bake Shop"? There are lots of free crafty patterns and projects there--some by Monica and some by other designers. Monica's Pennie Pockets are there, and she shows how to string the beads she adds to the bottom. She also has instructions for a reversible pocket calendar cover. And you know about Moda's free pattern site, don't you? More good stuff!

I was kind of hoping Minick and Simpson would give it a rest for awhile for the sake of my bank account, but I see they have a new line coming out, Flag Day Farm. I really love their fabrics and I'm EXTREMELY tempted to throw caution to the winds and order the fat quarter bundle. I'm sure if I think about it for a day or two, I'll figure out a way to justify the purchase. In fact, I've been thinking about teaching one of Patchalot Marcie's patterns in a red, white, and blue colorway as a patriotic/4th of July class. Flag Day Farm fabric and a Patchalot pattern? Hummmmm. The wheels are turning!

Finally, if you're looking for a Valentine idea for that special someone, check out Kimberly's blog, Bitty Bits & Pieces, for an excellent heart pillow tutorial--the pillow even has a pocket to tuck goodies into! I really need to make one of these, but I seem to be all out of good Valentine fabric. Don't worry though--I had the foresight to order a bit the other day, so maybe it will arrive by the weekend.

Happy quilting and thanks for stopping by to visit with me!


  1. OK - I thought I was going to bed early - not. Wonderful sites to visit - thank you.
    And - what an amazing son and daughter. Popping cupcakes and sweating out, ah, youth. LOL!

  2. Kim -- Haven't heard from any other "quilting Kim's" yet on my blog, but I'll still try to get the word out. I think this is the funnest (is that a word?) thing, and am happy you initiated the effort to collect Kim blogs.

    On a side note, I've met several Kimberly Ann's, and Kimberly Lynns, but never another Kim with the middle name of Sue.

    Keep me posted. How many have you collected so far? I'll check your sidebar.

    Happy day to you!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Kim,
    Every morning before I go to work I read your blog. I thoroughly enjoy reading about all your activities. You are very creative with your words and quilting.
    Miss you in Thimbleberries.

  5. Wow. I can hardly wait until my kids get even older and can share with me, like yours share with you. LOL Thanks for the site links.

    For your patterns, have you thought about opening an etsy shop? Then you could have a link on your sidebar. Although, I really don't mind reading the plugs. Your patterns are part of you and your life.

  6. Ack! Sorry, me again. Thanks for the Moda link. It has the Baskets of Flowers pattern that I've been looking for ever since I saw it in the Hancocks catalog. You rock! LOL

  7. Thanks for the links! That Flag Day Farm fabric is really pretty. I say go for it! Buy up some FQs!

  8. You'd think these designers would give us a break, but no...Judie Rothermel always has another "I can't live without" bundle coming out!

    Thanks for all the links. Very good reading!!

  9. Have you considered Etsy to sell your patterns, Kim? Seems to work well for others. And, if you offered patterns in a pdf download that would be awesome.

  10. Sounds like good times with the family! Talented boy you have there. LOL!
    I don't think you sound like a salesperson at all, and I think it's wonderful you're offering your very cute pattern (soon to be patterns?) for sale to us. I agree with Darlene - Etsy is a great place to sell your crafty stuff from what I've heard.
    Thanks for the links!


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!