Thursday, January 22, 2009

Well, Since You Asked . . .

First, I wanted to thank everyone for the wonderful comments you left on yesterday's post. I know you're out there reading what I write day after day, but I guess it sometimes feels a little like I'm talking to myself, so hearing from so many of you with such kind things to say is very uplifting. We have quite a few entries and comments, and with a busy work day and after-work activities as well, I wasn't able to write back to everyone--besides the fact that so many are "no reply"--but I wanted to let you all know that I truly appreciate the comments you leave, and of course I've entered all of you in the drawing!

Speaking of comments, I thought I'd answer a few questions tonight.

A couple days ago, Julia left a somewhat cryptic comment that said, "Thanks for the tip on Sunday about nude quilting." The ever-curious Amanda said, "Nude quilting? You'll have to tell us about that one!" Okay, so here's the story. One of the other quilting Kim bloggers told me that if you search on Google for Kim Quilts Nude, you get me. No telling why she was searching those particular terms and I'm not really sure I want to speculate, but there you go. My claim to fame. And you know it's because of my self-portrait, right? 'Cause I'm not really sitting around quilting in the nude. Although I call my sewing room the Sweat Shop, it's really NOT that hot! And seriously, there are just too many saggy bits and pieces to make it safe--it's painful to even imagine what might get accidentally sewn into a seam as I bent forward to peer closer at my stitches! Still, accidentally cutting a bit off with the rotary cutter might be a quick way to lose a little weight!

When I came home from the Hey Ghoul Friend class last night, I found this sitting on the living room floor.

At first I couldn't figure out what it was, but then I saw the printing on the side.

A few of you have asked me about the Valentine hearts pattern, whether I might possibly sell my patterns, and a few other questions along those lines. Well, since you asked, the answer is yes, that's just what I'm thinking about. That box? Much larger than I envisioned, but it contains the plastic zip bags that patterns come in.

Quite frankly, I'm not sure what steps I need to take to set up a business from a legal and financial standpoint, and I need to look into that--any tips? But since I'm teaching classes with my original patterns and I need to actually write the patterns anyway for my students--well, I might as well start doing what I've thought I wanted to do for some time now.

So, yes, if everything works out, at some point I will sell my patterns; I'm just not certain when, what, or how. But you can bet I'll keep you all posted about this new path in Kim's Big Quilting Adventure!


  1. good on you!! will look forward to seeing your patterns on the market....that amount of bags should last for the first run anyway....!

  2. Good for you! Follow your dream, Kim!! How exciting and cool, to sell your designs!

  3. Can I raise my hand and be one of the first to buy a pattern? Please, O'Please Pick ME!!!

  4. I am sure you can easily take care of the legal angle. If you sell it I am sure I'll probably be the first in line to buy them.

  5. WOW. The mental pictures that you created in my mind are too sick to revisit!!!! Sewing in saggy bits or lopping them off with the rotary cutter!!!! AAAAHHHH! Thanks for the good laugh. Good luck with your new venture! I hope you have lots of business.

  6. How exciting! I wish I could offer help, but I can't. Good luck on your new venture.

  7. Ok, go here -
    (disregard the title of the post)

    and pick her brain....

  8. I think all you need is a seller's permit from the Franchise Tax Board (Sacto)and a business license from your town/city. Everyone wants a piece of your pie, and you can't sell your patterns without charging tax. (...unless you're only selling wholesale, and I don't know anything about that.)

    I'd also suggest opening a checking account solely for your quilt/pattern business. It makes keeping track of the $$ SO much easier.

    Good luck!!!

  9. Still giggling here - a picture worth a thousand word - for "mature" audiences only...

    What an adventure you are on and thank you for sharing it. Cheers from this corner of the world.

  10. Oh I know that box well!
    Wishing you the best with your new adventure.
    PS: Being as you work in a law office I bet you can pick up your best advice there as to which way to go setting up your business.

  11. Well I used to browse the sites for the plastic bag companies myself for other reasons...too cool! Very cool idea!

    You might email Marcie at She sells her patterns and started a few years ago. Also try Kathy Mack over at Pink Chalk Studio, she started selling her patterns and then went to having an online store too!

  12. good job you! go visit my great friend Susan aka officer in charge of coffee at and ask her any questions about patterns! she dove into that particular pool this past year. she may even have some tips for you!

  13. New challenges for the new go girl! The demand is out there. As to your name coming up under Kim's Quilting Nude...must be the "nude self-portrait" that triggers the connection. Otherwise, I'd think it is way to risky to body parts while in the sweat shop! LOL!

  14. Too funny! Reminds me of the song, "I just don't look good naked anymore." As if I ever did :o)

    Good luck with the biz!

  15. Don't be bashful, your blog comes up number two on Google if you search "Kim quilts naked" too! One day I hope to be on that naked or nude kim quilting list too...or is it too much to hope for?

  16. Looking forward to being able to buy your patterns!!

  17. I am so excited for you Kim to start selling your patterns!!!

  18. My guild had a pattern designer speak last year and she recommended the book Publish Your Patterns: How To Write, Print, and Market Your Designs by Nancy Restuccia. It covers everything from designing and writing the pattern to copyright and marketing.


Tell me what you're thinking--I'd love to hear from you!